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她消失在走廊尽头。She disappeared down the corridor.

对呀。这串楼有上下两层。Yes. This corridor has two stories.

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人人都向过道里退去。All crowded back towards the corridor.

杰克只好从命,离开了走廊。Jack listens, and exits out the corridor.

浮梁历史文化长廊?The Fuliang History and Culture Corridor?

过道转了个弯便阴暗了。The corridor took a turn and became dark.

这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。The corridor opened into a low smoky room.

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然后楼道里的灯突然暗下来。Then in the corridor lights suddenly dark.

我们摸索着走过黑暗的走廊。We groped our way along the dark corridor.

一个开放的走廊通向堂屋。An open corridor leads to the central room.

乌孙,最初活动于河西走廊。The Wusun first lived in the Gansu Corridor.

那个年轻人领着马克·赖尔沿走廊而去。The young man led Mark Ryle along a corridor.

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你发现你身处一个汉白玉走廊里。You find yourself in a White Marble Corridor.

我听到她步履轻盈地在走廊上走过。I heard her feet pattering along the corridor.

我听见狱警下楼来到走廊的声音。I heard the guards, further down the corridor.

她轻轻地顺着楼上走廊走。Noiselessly she went along the upper corridor.

卡恩斯一家步出法庭来到了走廊上。The Kearns family moved out into the corridor.

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这个塔带回廊看起来很奇特。The tower looks odd with the winding corridor.

“斑块。边界。基质。廊道”与城市的断想。Patch, Boundary, Matrix, Corridor and the city.

他赤着脚吧嗒吧嗒地走过走廊。He pattered along the corridor in his bare feet.