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我说”胡扯!I say bullshit.

SEO是狗屁。SEO is bullshit.

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所有都是胡说。All kinds of bullshit.

不,那是瞎扯!No, man, that's bullshit.

这完全是瞎扯淡。This is complete bullshit.

这相同胡说。This is the same bullshit.

火花这种事就是狗屎。The spark thing is bullshit.

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不过这话也是废话。But this is bullshit as well.

我认为它根本是在胡说八道。I thk it's absolute bullshit.

还是说,这只是一句听上去像诗的屁话?Or it was just poetic bullshit?

或者这只是唬人的诗句?。Or was that just poetic bullshit?

你让我倒了八辈子的霉了。I'm up to my neck in you bullshit.

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从这里我可以闻说废话的权利。I can smell the bullshit right from here.

我说的其余那些全部都是废话。All the rest I said, all that was bullshit.

但所有这些都只是营销的屁话。But all of that is just marketing bullshit.

所以这个‘好’和‘不’的理论都是狗屁?So the whole yes thing is all bullshit?-No.

我没做错什么,你自己是牛屎!I didn't do anything wrong ! Bullshit yourself!

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我拍记录片不过是为了赚点名声。I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep.

没有尴尬的道别,没有“还是朋友”的废话。No awkward goodbyes, no "still friends" bullshit.

那都是扯蛋知道问题真正在哪儿吗?That's all bullshit. Know what the real problem is?