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减民负担、富国强兵、统一北方。It made the country unify the Northern China.

尽管我学会了拿我的纸笔和麦克风沟通。I learned to unify the pen and pad with the mic.

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秦始皇是向东作战统一中国的。The first emperor fought eastward to unify China.

法非从天下,非从地出,发于人间,合乎人心而已。The best way to unify the people is the rule of law.

这里,荒谬的人因为无法统一再次选择繁衍自我。The absurd man multiplies here again what he cannot unify.

该增值平台是对铁通开展的宽带增值业务进行统一管理的平台。It is a platform that to unify management to broadband business.

这是一种搭配对比鲜明的颜色和质感的完美方法。They are an ideal way to unify contrasting colours and textures.

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这个练习的目标就是统一不同的版本。The goal of this ongoing exercise is to unify the different versions.

我国的传统教育更多地强调统一。The tradition of the our country education morely emphasize to unify.

1206年,进位蒙古帝国年夜汗,同一蒙古各部落。Enter Mongolia the empire big sweat in 1206, unify Mongolia each tribe.

对于言的理解应该和身体的动作相结合。Should unify regarding the word understanding with the bodily movement.

统一思想,牢固树立大局意识。I. To unify your thoughts and always keep in mind the overall situation.

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在连接城乡和人民的同时它更团结了整个美利坚合众国。In linking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.

愿您用火热的祈愿之心,透过我们的和谐,使天堂与大地成为一体。May the burning wish of your heart unify heaven and earth through our harmony.

这些能量要在你们的整个宇宙中统整合一将需要一些时间。It will take a while for these energies to unify throughout all of your universe.

灾害应该会刺激到政府并且把民众团结到基础设施重建中。It may galvanize the government and unify the people in rebuilding infrastructure.

因此,我们提出通过统一同义动词释义中的类词语来研究动词释义元语言。We suggest that we unify the class words of synonym in the study of meta-language.

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早期的对这两个理论的统一尝试给出了一些耐人寻味的线索。Early attempts to unify the two theories are starting to reveal some intriguing hints.

他在个人及小组之间做好协调工作,使他们在工作中统成一个整体。He coordinates with the individual and the group in order to unify them in their work.

第二部分介绍笔者所在学校英语校本课程开发利用的背景。But what if we unify our knowledge and practice in our English school-based curriculum?