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进而我认识了他的妻子,伊莎。Through him, I met his wife, Isa.

同人小说习惯是一种文学习惯。The fanfic habit isa literary habit.

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她是位好老师,但她很凶。She isa good teacher, but she ish ard.

这就是每一个像样的乐队都巡演的原因。There isa reason every decent band tours.

这项最新的研究是德鲁斯先生主持的另一个更大的研究项目的一部分。The new study isa part of a larger research project by Mr. Drews.

鹿林彗星和其他彗星一样,是一堆冰气体和尘埃组成。Lulin, like all comets, isa clump of frozen gases mixed with dust.

章受苦仆人之歌中有那些预言与主耶稣受苦有关?What prophecies about Jesus' suffering can you find out from ISA 53?

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介绍了一种基于ISA总线的活塞自动检测及分选机。A piston automatic measurement and sorter based on ISA bus are introduced.

设计了一个通用的ISA总线DMA和中断请求电路。A general design method of request circuit on DMA and Interrup based on ISA.

那晚,晓刚把孩子带到医院让他和母亲一起睡。Xiaogang took his boy to the hospital that night and let him sleep with Isa.

要将火星恢复到它的最佳气候阶段,我们所需要的就是一位拥有庞大预算的园艺师。All the planet needs to recapture its salad days isa gardener with a big budget.

模拟器硬件插卡采用ISA总线、内存直接映像和FPGA等技术。ISA bus, Memory Map and FPGA technology is adopted in designing simulation card.

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巴林国王萨勒曼试图用金钱安抚他的臣民。King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain tried pacifying his subjects with cash.

利用ISA扩展槽数据采集卡进行数据采集。The data acquisition is realized by a data acquisition card in ISA expanded slot.

然后,伊莎告诉我们,生命的最后两年里,她感觉自己迷失了方向。Lastly, it was Isa. She told us that for the last two years, she felt lost, purposeless.

但是,在国内如何使三维模型技术在电厂设计中全面推广应用还是一个新课题。But how to promote applications of the technology in power plant designs isa new subject.

曼什知道有一个舞台一直在那里等着她,等着她去发现、去演绎。Menschen knows that there isa stage somewhere waiting for her to discover and to play on.

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巴林国王哈马德及其家人和英国王室相熟已久。King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his family are far from strangers to the British royals.

留学生应自觉遵守各项中国法律、校纪校规和规章制度。Students who live in ISA must abide by Chinese laws and all rules and regulations of USST.

然而运动被认为是改善心情,提高大脑中五羟色胺和内啡肽的含量。Yet exercise isa known mood enhancer, raising the brain’s levels of serotonin andendorphin.