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我能听见他在走廊里的声音。I can hear him in the hallway.

他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。He bawled down the hallway at me.

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有一个陌生人在走廊徘徊。A stranger hangs around the hallway.

她疲沓啪嗒地在走廊里走。She pitter-pattered along the hallway.

我没有回头看,直接跑去了走廊。I don’t turn back. I run to the hallway.

我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。I slipped through the hallway by myself.

这条长廊通往紧急逃生门。This hallway leads to the emergency exit.

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利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway.

我父亲沉着脸站在走廊。My father stood there looming in the hallway.

在楼道和教室里不要追跑打逗。Second, no running in hallway and classrooms.

其他宿舍楼在公共走道旁有一溜的房间…Other dorms have rooms along a common hallway.

在门厅里小跑一下,听一些音乐。Jog around the hallway listening to some music.

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我们走进过道去找男厕所。We went into the hallway to find the men's room.

更好的话,可以爬爬楼层间的楼梯。Better yet, climb the stairs between hallway laps.

四下照了一下,我正处在一个像是走廊的地方。I shined it around. I was in some sort of hallway.

一段消防水管和一把斧子对付满屋恶棍?A fire hose, an axe and a hallway full of bad guys?

门厅里一股子清煮白菜外带破草垫的味儿。The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.

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我拖着手支在窗口边,去寻找走廊里自己的影子。I rely on the windows to find a shadow in the hallway.

走廊,长廊长的封闭过道,例如走廊或回廊。A long enclosed passage, such as a hallway or corridor.

管理人员在过道上陈列了这些信息。The management displayed the information in the hallway.