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颇受争议的第18章规定**CHAPTER 18

看第9章。Look at chapter 9.

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参见第四章。See also Chapter 4.

你给孩子们读一章吧。You wanna do a chapter?

第4章海德先生是谁?。Chapter 4 Who is Mr Hyde?

我就要把第8章看完了。I had finished chapter 8.

绝句和断章。Rhyme and broken chapter.

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第八章你需要什么样的人?Chapter 8 Who do You Need?

那章书可把人看糊涂了。That chapter is confusing.

你可以跳过这一章不读。You can jump this chapter.

我现在正在写第三章呢。I am writing Chapter 3 now.

向“夜的第七章”进入!The chapter 7 of the night!

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都是这一章的题目They apply to this chapter.

本章分三节。This chapter divides three.

第十二章谁的梦?Chapter 12 Which Dreamed It?

第二章有六节。Chapter II has six sections.

第二章“单句”。Chapter II"simple sentence".

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第二章去上学吗?Chapter Two Going to School?

任何副本章你喜欢。Copies any chapter you like.

在路加福音第6章25节那里。In Luke, Chapter 6, verse 25