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警察科利尔里拿出他的表。Policeman Cleary took out his timepiece.

手表既是计时工具也是配饰。A watch is as much an accessory as it is a timepiece.

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就像被雷击中的房子里一只座钟停止了走动。Just as a timepiece stops in a house that is stricken by lightning.

想看磕暌剐经典优异标识表记标帜的数字电子手表吗?Want the look of a digital watch with the cachet of a classical timepiece?

烟台又是中国现代制钟业的发祥地。Yantai is also the birthplace of China's modern timepiece making industry.

钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分。Every tick-tock of the timepiece is a reminder that a portion of our life is lost.

为纪念第3000万枚浪琴表而推出的限量版系列设计。Limited-series design issued to mark the production of Longines' 30-millionth timepiece.

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后来英足总要求阿森纳拆除大钟,于是查普曼把它改成了一个普通的时钟。The FA ordered Arsenal to remove it so Chapman merely changed the timepiece to a conventional clock.

生产当代经典产品、永久计时装置的瑞士表厂,饮誉全球。Swiss watch manufacturers who produce the contemporary classic and timeless timepiece have won world favour.

工作了156年的大本钟钟“闹了情绪”,这让钟表匠也有些不知所措。The Great Clock has become "temperamental" leaving clocksmiths unsure how to fix the 156-year-old timepiece.

第二天早上我自然醒来,因为我没设闹钟,也没给我的身体任何时间的暗示。On the morning I wake naturally, for I will have set no clock, nor informed my body timepiece when it should alarm.

我们不仅按照昼夜的交替生活,而且还受大脑里的生物钟的支配。We're locked into it not just by day and night—there’s the master timepiece in the brain called the circadian clock.

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在设计水平上,这款表对于恒宝来说的确是一大进步,可能是恒宝兄弟钟表行的一流产品。On a design level, this watch is quite a progression for Hublot and is likely to be Hublot Confrerie’s flagship timepiece.

压电式振动器及其制造方法,压电式振荡器,电子装置和无线电波时计。Piezoelectric vibrator and its fabricating method, piezoelectric oscillator, electronic apparatus and radio wave timepiece.

由瑞士手表制造商Valijoux制造的有碳纤维刻度盘的时尚计时手表造出了一种与R8速度计相似的感觉。Manufactured by Swiss watchmaker Valijoux this timepiece features a carbon fiber dial fashioned to resemble the R8 speedometer.

苹果最新款计时器将音乐,视频,图片以及计步器整合在了一起,并且让时间随处可得。Apple's newest timepiece puts music, video, photos and step-counting front-and-center, and lets the minutes fall where they may.

首先,这块以碳作为背面的精美的手表,是柏莱士2010冬季展览会的最新展览品。First, that lovely carbon-backed timepiece above is one of a new collection from Bell&Ross, the Bell&Ross 2010 Winter Collection.

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真的是这样,能够看到一块老表重新恢复生命,那种快乐远超过买一块新的。I've brought happiness and joy to thousands of watch lovers who never thought their treasured timepiece could be working like new again.

由利奥耀振邦名设计师的刮起了很好完成的概念,而且墙上钟表执行所谓的“插入时钟。”Designer by the name of Leo Yiu Chun Pong's whipped up a nicely done concept and execution for a wall timepiece called the "Insert Clock."

科技和样式日新月异,然而,尽管辨认时间的手段很多,但我们大多数人还是将手腕上一个神圣的地方留给了手表。Styles and technologies change, but whatever we use to tell time, most people consider the wrist a sacrosanct spot reserved for a timepiece.