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“对,”乔继续说,“我的新医生是个行为学家。”"Yeah, " continues Joe, "my new doctor is a behaviorist."

许多行为主义者所提出的技术,都被证明是非常有效的。Many of these behaviorist techniques have proven to be quite useful.

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从某种程度上说,这些制度就是根据行为主义原则而建立的。And, to some extent, these have been shaped by an adherence to behaviorist principles.

如果发现某一特定情况下适于行为主义的方法,那我们就用行为主义的技术。If we find that a particular learning situating is suited to a behaviorist approach, then.

在行为主义者看来,这是在这些事物之间的联结历史造成的。And from a behaviorist point of view this is because of the associative history of these things.

在行为主义者看来,这是在这些事物之间的联结历史造成的。And from a behaviorist point of view this is because of the associative history of these things.

正如行为主义者告诉我们的,一个人被看作是“一台组装好的即将发动的机器”。As the behaviorist tells us, man can be thought of as "an assembled organic machine ready to run.

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比如行为主义者对恋物癖的一种解释就是,恋物癖是简单的经典条件作用的结果。So a behaviorist story about fetishes, for instance, is it's straightforward classical conditioning.

文章将以行为主义理论为基础,重点对听力课的教学过程进行研究和探讨。The paper mainly makes a research and study of teaching procedure on the basis of the behaviorist theory.

而行为主义者的错误就在于,他们试图找到一个能够操作人类这台机器的“人类福特”。Starting from this manifest falsehood, the behaviorist proposes to operate the "human Ford" the way the operator drives his car.

近年来英语教学法有了很大改变,但是还是有大量的教学活动建立在行为主义心理学基础之上。English teaching methods have changed a lot in recent years. However, a great deal of teaching is still based on behaviorist psychology.

根据简单的,行为心理学的操作性条件反射观点来看,拿到奖励的小孩应该会画更多画。Now, according to sort of a simple-minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology, the children you reward should do it more.

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考虑下,如果一个行为主义者单单描绘了一个要约出售的情形,却丝毫不谈参与各方的用意,那我们又该如何判断各方的选择呢?Consider a behaviorist describing the situation which an offer to sell brings about without reference to the meaning each party attaches to it!

1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙·莫里斯曾经在伦敦当代艺术馆组织过一次黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果的画作。In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts.

最后,她成为了一名行为劝说实验者。在这过程中,她成功发表了数篇关于教羊来数羊的论文。She became an experimentalist of the Behaviorist persuasion, and has now published several papers on the progress she is making in teaching sheep to count themselves.

在现代主流心理学中,行为主义心理学未能体现出科学的多重向度特征,而且还将狭隘的理解普同化。In modern mainstream psychology, behaviorist psychology embodied none of the characteristics of multi-dimensions of science, and it also universalized its narrow findings.

显然,这一定义的基础是自身利益和行为科学的一些观念,这些观念源自对营销构成巨大影响的几个基本原则。This definition is based explicitly on the self-interest and behaviorist notions that emerge from several of the basic disciplines that have had a great impact on marketing.

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而如今治疗恐惧症的方法,我们会在后面讲到临床心理学的时候,人们依据行为主义的文献,从一种更加聪明的角度出发,提出了一种恐惧症治疗方法。So, what they do now though, and we'll talk about this much later in the course but one cure for phobias does draw upon, in a more intelligent way, the behaviorist literature.

这里讲述的是动物行为学家龙勇诚在野外追踪研究野生滇金丝猴的经历。The Man Who Follows up Dian Golden-haired MonkeysHere is a story about the experience of animal behaviorist Long Yongcheng who follows and studies the Dian golden-haired monkeys.

基本上说,成年犬的性情和行为习惯的好坏,形成于他的幼年时期,特别是幼年的早期。Basically, an adult dog's temperament and behavior habits, both good and bad, are shaped during puppyhood—very early puppyhood, " says veterinarian and leading animal behaviorist Dr."