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冰的密度比水小。Ice is not as dense as water.

丛林中密布的苔藓。The dense mosses of the jungle.

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它的密度比水还小。And it is less dense than water.

太阳驱散了浓雾。The sun dispelled the dense fog.

在茂密的山楂树下。Under the hawthorn in the dense.

我必须承认我感觉很迟钝。I have to admit I feel pretty dense.

浓雾包住了群山。The hills were enveloped in dense fog.

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公园里黑压压地挤满了人。The park is packed with a dense crowd.

它们曾更少的稠密。They were much less dense and compact.

但事实上药丸不很大却很稠。But in fact it wasn’t big. It was dense.

轮船被迷雾包围。The steamer is enveloped in a dense fog.

从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

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他们在密林里开辟出一条路。They hewed their way through dense jungle.

广场是黑压压的挤满了人。The square was thronged with a dense crowd.

兼有密实及良好的防水防渗性。Both dense and good nature of water seepage.

下着毛毛雨。晚间雾锁大地,皓月当空。Drizzly. Dense mist in evening. Yellow moon.

夸里奇从茂密的树叶后看到了什么。He sees something through the dense foliage.

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幼枝具紧密的铁锈色的鳞片。Young branches with dense ferruginous scales.

这个取决于人口的稠密度。depending on how dense their populations are.

在郁郁葱葱的森林中,一个洞穴依稀可见。A grotto in the forest, leafy, dense and dark.