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象征幸福的合家团圆。It symbolize a happy family reunion.

对我来说,麦片通常象征着什么?What do oats typically symbolize for me?

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铰子象征财富和幸福。Dumplings symbolize fortune and happiness.

复活蛋象征新生。Easter eggs symbolize the renewal of life.

所以人们就拿这两样东西来象征长寿。So people use them to symbolize longevity.

中国人认为长寿面象征着长寿。Chinese think long noodles symbolize longevity.

它可用于象征发展与和谐。It can be used to symbolize growth and harmony.

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烫花的手工艺葫芦,象征吉祥,会为你带来好运气。Symbolize good luck, will bring riches for you.

蓝色还可以象征信任和可靠性。Blue can also symbolize trust and dependability.

他们通常代表神力或是精神力量。They usually symbolize mana, or spiritual power.

那筐好无花果预表什麽?What did that one basket of good figs symbolize?

奥运五环象征着五大洲。The five Olympic rings symbolize five continents.

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你认为男性穿裙款可象徽男子气慨吗?。Do you think men wear skirt can symbolize masculinity?

其主题图案采用红色,象征喜庆吉祥。Its theme adopts red color to symbolize auspiciousness.

海常被用为众多人类的象征。The sea is often used to symbolize the mass of mankind.

发菜是必须的因为它象征着富贵。Fa Cai is a must as it symbolize fortune and prosperity.

在纹章学中,蓝色用来象征虔诚与真诚。In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

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新衣象徵一元复始、万象更新。The new clothes symbolize a fresh start for the year ahead.

海蓝宝石是说,象征幸福和理解。Aquamarine is said to symbolize happiness and understanding.

这匹骏马象征我们晏家明天更加美好!The horses symbolize our syncline home more beautiful tomorrow!