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尽管如此,尼扎姆仍然难以确定生活的方向。Still, Nizam didn’t know what direction to take in life.

尼扎姆说,他父母的人生哲学使餐馆得以幸存。His parents’ philosophy sustained the restaurant, Nizam said.

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尼扎姆希望其中一个孩子将来能够继续经营餐馆。Nizam says he hopes one of the children goes into the family business.

尼扎姆和他的哥哥卡马尔开始张罗,订计划、打电话、发布新闻和张贴海报等。Nizam and his brother Kamal set to work on plans, phone calls, press releases, and posters.

因此,尼扎姆大学毕业后先在本氏热狗店工作了一年。So Nizam took a year off after college and dedicated himself to working at Ben’s Chili Bowl.

但是,尼扎姆和卡马尔没有想到,他们的一位顾客也将帮助传播举行庆祝活动的消息。But what Nizam and Kamal didn’t know was that one of their customers would also publicize the event.

因此,家里人并没有一定要尼扎姆参与经营,这使得他有机会尝试各种选择。So Nizam didn’t experience much family pressure to join the business and was able to explore his options.

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该帝国统治者依靠波斯人实行行政管理,特别是宰相尼扎姆·莫尔克。In government, the rulers of the empire relied heavily on persian, specially on their vazir Nizam al- Mulk.

尼扎姆说,餐馆的40周年纪念活动使他认识到,有那么多的人如此喜欢本氏热狗店。Nizam says the 40th anniversary made him realize the great love that so many people have for Ben’s Chili Bowl.

尼扎姆说,"突然间,本来是一个表示感谢的小型活动变成一个规模大得多的事件。"“Suddenly, an event that had started out as a humble thank-you had grown into something much larger,” Nizam said.

尼扎姆在放学后和暑假期间都在餐馆里帮忙,但是餐馆并没有占用他所有的时间,他也参加夏令营和其他活动。Nizam helped out after school and in the summer, but the restaurant wasn’t all-consuming. He also took part in camps and other activities.

故事讲述了在古波斯王国,达斯坦王子与塔米娜公主齐心协力阻止邪恶的贵族尼扎姆释放时之沙毁灭世界。In ancient Persia, Prince Dastan joins forces with Princess Tamina to prevent nefarious nobleman Nizam from unleashing the Sands of Time and destroying the world.