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那是值得的。That’s worthwhile.

跑这一趟不值。The trip is not worthwhile.

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我们的努力会是值得的。Our efforts will be worthwhile.

难道这不值得去重新发现吗?Would it not worthwhile to rediscover?

开一家鞋店划得来吗?Was it worthwhile opening a shoe-store?

花钱买一个好的名片盒是明智的。A good card case is worthwhile investment.

我认为这电视片值得一看。I think it worthwhile watch this telefilm.

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什么使品牌战略更加有价值?What makes a branding strategy worthwhile?

一套款式精致的服装绝对值得投资。A well-cut suit is a worthwhile investment.

他的话值得玩味。It is worthwhile to ruminate over his remarks.

到那个时候所有的付出与思念都是值得的!All pay and concernment will be worthwhile then.

爱你,让我的生命之旅有意义。Loving you makes the my ride of life worthwhile.

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但帕卡德这种车值得你为它做这个。But cars like the Packard make it all worthwhile.

阅读科普类书籍是值得的。It's worthwhile reading books on popular science.

只有为他人而活着的人生才有其价值。Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

是一份很值得收藏的经典代码。It is a very worthwhile collection of classic code.

那一个人去看展览实在是划不来。That's really not worthwhile going to see that alone.

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但是,它的建议零售价降低使其成为有价值的选择。However, its lower MSRP makes it a worthwhile alternative.

说出五位曾教过有用常识的。Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.