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癫痫是指两次或两次以上的无端发作。Epilepsy is defined by two or more unprovoked seizures.

思绪纠缠,无端的会惹起许多莫名的心思。Thoughts of entanglement, unprovoked will cause many inexplicable mind.

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近年来,在美国已经发生了几起人们无缘无故受到鲨鱼攻击的事件。Several fatal unprovoked attacks in the United States alone have occurred over the years.

此次袭击看似一起无故发生的事件,并且据说凶手并不认识遇害者。The attack appeared to be unprovoked and it is thought the killer did not know his victim.

这些无端的大屠杀却没有在任何一个欧洲或中东国家引发抗议。These unprovoked mass murders have not stirred a single protest in Europe or the Middle East.

鉴于美国的无端侵略其他国家的历史,你还真不能责怪北朝鲜。Given Americas history of unprovoked aggression against other nations, you can hardly blame them.

可现实中和电影不同的是,未受刺激的鲨鱼攻击人的事件极其少见,而致人死亡的情况更是罕见。In reality, unlike in the movies, unprovoked shark attacks are extremely rare, and fatal ones even more so.

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法官说,这是一起冷酷的谋杀,是无可辩解的平白无故的攻击行为。This said the judge was a cold-blooded murder an act of unprovoked aggression for which there was no justification.

性侵犯一词在全国范围内采用不均衡,有一种无端暴力的性质。The phrase sexual assault, which was adopted unevenly across the country, had the ring of unprovoked violence about it.

一类总是以毫无来由的推论,要把一切对于神的信仰击个粉碎,以此锋芒毕露。One class would be always thrusting themselves forward with unprovoked argumentation to cut to pieces all belief in God.

但是巴基斯坦总是无缘无故的对印度开冷枪,所以印度时不时的要报复一下。It is not like Pakistan which starts unprovoked firing on Indian side with the result India has to retaliate from time to time.

并且极大的处罚一再意味着不光彩的、无缘无故的警察暴力。And that tremendous discipline has meant that, again and again, the story has been the disgraceful and unprovoked police brutality.

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但丹尼尔斯奈德,在斯坦福大学的Shorenstein亚太研究中心朝鲜专家说,这次袭击似乎是“无端的。”But Daniel Sneider, a Korea expert at Stanford University's Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, said the attack appeared to be "unprovoked."

数百万黎巴嫩平民因真主党的无故进攻和绑架行为而处于激烈的战火之中。Millions of Lebanese civilians have been caught in the crossfire of military operations because of the unprovoked attack and kidnappings by Hezbollah.

Wilson将这次击沉事件视作是对民用邮轮的无端攻击,运用对美国人失去生命的悲痛来鼓动反德言论。Wilson treated the sinking as an unprovoked attack on a civilian liner and used grief over the loss of American lives to incite anti-German sentiment.

黑水官员称当他们开枪时,护卫人员正在保护外交官的安全,但是伊拉克的调查人员推断说这次疯狂开火是毫无来由的。Blackwater officials say the guards were protecting diplomats when they came under fire, but Iraqi investigators concluded the shooting spree was unprovoked.

军方官员称,北约直升机群对“在没有受到威胁的情况下”对沙拉那检查站“狂轰滥炸”,杀害28名军人,另有11人受伤。Nato helicopters "carried out unprovoked and indiscriminate firing" on the Salala checkpoint, killing up to 28 troops and wounding 11, military officials said.

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对善良和神圣的事物妄加嘲弄,这一切全都绘唤醒起来,虽说把他吓得要命,却仍在诱惑着他。Scorn, bitterness, unprovoked malignity , gratuitous desire of ill, ridicule of whatever was good and holy, all awoke, to tempt, even while they frightened him.

巴基斯坦军方说,北约直升机和战斗机对位于毗邻阿富汗边界的默赫曼德部落区的两个军事哨所“发动没有来由的袭击”。The Pakistani military says NATO helicopters and fighter jets "carried out unprovoked firing" on two of its posts in the Mohmand tribal district bordering Afghanistan.

中国国家主席胡锦涛在与美国总统布什的会晤中对这次突发事件表示遗憾。Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed regret during a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush for Saturday's unprovoked attack at the Drum Tower, a popular tourist spot.