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苏带着疲倦,遵命拉起窗帘。Wearily Sue obeyed.

他们疲倦的吮吸着小圆石。They wearily sucked their pebbles.

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他疲倦地瘫坐到椅子上。He sagged wearily back in his chair.

“欢迎来到这个世界,”他疲倦地说。"Welcome to the world," he said wearily.

老头拖着疲惫而又沉重的步子沿公路走着。The old man plods wearily along the road.

“我发过誓。”他不耐烦地对希尔蒂说。"I have sworn a vow, " he told Hildy wearily.

总共三次,他疲惫的穿过大洋。Three times more he wearily crossed the ocean.

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“他们曾经是,”福吉疲倦地说,“但现在不再是了。"They did, " said Fudge wearily . "But not anymore.

我们拿着沉重的包裹疲惫不堪地沿着路慢慢地走去。We plodded wearily up the road carrying heavy packs.

每个薄暮十分,我都垂头丧气地跋涉回露营地。Disheartened, I trudged wearily back to camp each dusk.

史高丽无聊地坐在靠墙的一张红色的椅子上。SCULLY sits wearily in one of the red chairs lining the wall.

“还有别的吗?”科拉姆问。凯瑟琳疲惫地摇了摇头。Anything else?" Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily ."

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孩子在哭,让大人拖着走。Children were whimpering and trailing wearily after their parents.

城市的浓重的黑烟没精打彩地笼罩在山谷上空。The great pall of the city's smoke hangs wearily above the valley.

两个西班牙年轻人疲累不堪地在一条双车道路边跋涉,这是杰拉多和阿尔弗雷德,他们五个月前从巴塞罗那出发一路步行到耶路撒冷。Two young Spaniards were trudging wearily along the side of the dual carriageway.

“我爱你,赫敏。”罗恩说着倒回椅子上,困乏地揉着眼睛。"I love you, Hermione, " said Ron, sinking back in his chair, rubbing his eyes wearily.

“卫队对人民的镇压越变本加厉,”魁刚略带疲倦地接话,这是再熟悉不过的状况了。"The Guardians have cracked down harder, " Qui-Gon said wearily. It was a familiar scenario.

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停尸房被停业的事情已经让他没有时间休息,他略带疲倦的笑笑,跟我握了握手。The crisis at the morgue had kept him from sleep, and he smiled wearily as he offered his hand.

“是的,当然,”福吉说,疲倦的揉着他的眼睛并愁眉苦脸的看着总理。"Yes, of course, "said Fudge, rubbing his eyes wearily and looking morosely at the Prime Minister.

因为在这些地方,当我们厌倦摆设的时候是无法轻易做更动的。Because be in these places, when we are furnished wearily , should be cannot do easily those who alter.