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巴基斯坦政府在灾难来临时的应对措施常被形容成“一团糟”。The aid response of Pakistan’s government has been described as shambolic.

我开始诅咒自己,一天疲劳之后,到头来还碰上这么乱七八糟的事。I began to curse myself for yet another shambolic conclusion to a wearying day.

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他将会摧毁英格兰混乱的后防线!!!乌拉圭万岁!This man is going destroy that Shambolic Defence of England! ! ! Vamos Uruguay!

昨天法庭上发生的事件尚在混乱中扰人眼的时候,新闻传出来了。The news came as events inside the courtroom yesterday teetered on the shambolic.

去年,是继1989年迈克佛利·伍德和萨姆·福克斯一团糟的表演之后,该节目的首次现场直播。Last year, the programme was broadcast live for the first time since Mick Fleetwood and Sam Fox's shambolic show in 1989.

他长久统治着世界上最为严酷的一隅,说不定还能扛住当前逼他下台的乱哄哄的行动。He’s maintained dominance in a ruthless part of the world, and he may outlast the current shambolic attempts to unseat him.

数十载的无序统治造成了基础设施简陋、吏治混乱以及管理无能等遗留问题。Decades of shambolic administration have left a legacy of shoddy infrastructure, tangled bureaucracy and administrative incompetence.

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唯一的一线希望是陪审团拒不接受对这一事件解释得无比混乱的官方说法,并将之抛至脑后。The only glimmer of hope is that the jury refused to accept the shambolic official version of events at face value, and threw it out.

抗议者对国家地方腐败,经济混乱和缺乏自由和公平选举。Protesters expressed their anger at their country's endemic corruption and shambolic economy, as well as the lack of free and fair elections.

工党少数民族事务副发言人霍建强上周五批评说,政府对超级奥克兰市议题的操作混乱不堪、尽作一些陈腐的表面文章。The Government's handling of Auckland Super City issues are shambolic and reek of tokenism says Labour Associate Ethnic Affairs Spokesperson Raymond Huo.

他们都是顽强的抢断者,从而很好地保护了身后的中后卫科洛·图雷和索雷梅恩.巴姆巴。They're both tough tacklers who do a fine job of protecting center backs Kolo Toure and Sol Bamba, who have an intermittent propensity for the shambolic.