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就我来说,我是个超级和事佬。I, for one, am a big peacemaker.

希尔想要充当和事佬。Hill tried to play the peacemaker.

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老盖茨这时则扮演了和事佬的角色。Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker.

别人一吵架,他总要充当和事佬这一角色。He will be a peacemaker whenever a quarrel happens.

她经常为她的兄弟姐妹调解纠纷。She often serves as a peacemaker among her siblings.

马桶圈之争就要结束了。The PeaceMaker will end the battle of the toilet seat.

在这种情况下,你常常扮演和事老。In such situations you often take the role of peacemaker.

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历史所能颁赐的最大荣耀,就是和平缔造者这个头衔。The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.

作为一个调解者,律师更应该是一个好人。As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man.

耶路撒冷,万圣节之夜——本杰明·内塔尼亚胡以和平推动者的姿态出现,随后,这位素以固执己见著称的以色列总理宣布“我们将立即着手和谈。”It was Halloween night in Jerusalem, and Benjamin Netanyahu came dressed as a peacemaker.

比利·巴德结束了“人权号”船上的争论,他是一位杰出的和事佬。Billy Budd put an end to the discord aboard the RIGHTS-OF-MAN. He was an excellent peacemaker.

很多人讨厌天秤,说天秤们难以捉摸,变化莫测,最会当和事老。Many people dislike libra, think that they are hard to know , easy to change , and want to be peacemaker.

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纳尔逊•曼德拉曾经是律师和自由战士、政治犯、和平缔造者和总统。Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter, a political prisoner, a peacemaker and president.

老盖茨这时则扮演了和事佬的角色。盖茨的姐姐说,他会将他们分开,安抚他们激动的情绪。Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down,' says Ms. Blake, the eldest sibling.

贾老道见俞显扬闷闷不乐,猜想必是小情侣间闹了矛盾,主动找钱曼媛当和事佬。Lao Jia see Yu Xianyang down, guess must be small contradictions between lovers, take the initiative to find Qian Manyuan as peacemaker.

老盖茨则扮演了和事佬的角色。盖茨的姐姐说,他会将他们分开,安抚他们激动的情绪。Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down, ' says Ms. Blake , the eldest sibling.

我恨不能在你们的心灵中做一个调停者,使我可以让你们心中的分子从竞争与衅隙变成合一与和鸣。Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

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这些人是来自一个叫“基督教维和组织”的援助组织,他们是11月26日在巴格达和美国同事54岁的汤姆·福克斯一同被绑架的。The men, members of an aid group called Christian Peacemaker Teams, were abducted along with American colleague Tom Fox, 54, in Baghdad on Nov. 26.

尽管如此,莫特兰蒂因为温和的对待非国大的党内分歧,得到非国大大多数派系的广泛支持。莫特兰蒂被认为是个善于调解争端的人。Even so, he enjoys broad support across most factions in the ANC because of his calm approach to party disagreements and is considered a peacemaker.

他在法庭上称,与那组织毫无关系,相反,在暴力事件时,扮演了和事老的角色。But he has told the court he had no connection with the group and, instead, played the role of a peacemaker at a time when violence was breaking out.