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论文抄袭。Thesis plagiarism.

剽窃节约时间。Plagiarism saves time.

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剽窃没有借口。No excuses for plagiarism.

你怎么看待抄袭这个问题呢?What do you think about plagiarism?

这是一个无耻的剽窃行为。It is a shameless piece of plagiarism.

我买了这本小说的盗版书。I have bought a plagiarism of this novel.

若逐词照搬,岂不等于抄袭别人的译文?Isn't it plagiarism if copy word by word?

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你们学校的人对抄袭的态度严肃吗?Do people in your school take plagiarism seriously?

我想大部分抄袭是这么来的。I would guess that's where most plagiarism comes from.

可以一稿多投,欢迎举报抄袭。Can a draft cast more, welcome to report of plagiarism.

抄袭就是不正当的盗用别人的成果。Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining.

必须是原创作品,禁止任何抄袭或剽窃。Must be original works, to prohibit any copying or plagiarism.

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但是我们之后会回到,怎么做就算是作弊这个话题上来。Although we'll come back to plagiarism as a bad thing later on.

拿来主义和修改主义都是违反原创主义的。Both plagiarism and revisionism are doctrines against originalism.

发达国家对学术剽窃问题都是慎重对待。Academic plagiarism is seriously dealt with in the developed world.

他们指的是软件能够更容易地揭发剽窃行为。They point to how software has made it easier to uncover plagiarism.

不同的商学院会采取不同的策略。Different schools adopt different strategies to deal with plagiarism.

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作为来自云南大学的哲学家,王是剽窃的受害者。A philosopher from Yunnan University, Wang was a victim of plagiarism.

据德国媒体报道,该国的“纠剽猎手”们正在令政客们心惊胆战。Web-based plagiarism hunters in Germany are making politicians nervous.

问题在于,寂然的态度不知不觉中助长了剽窃行为的合法性。The trouble is that silence implicitly endorses the legality of plagiarism.