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我喜欢演戏。I love acting.

她选择表演。She chose acting.

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我喜欢她的表演。I like her acting.

她的演技很精湛。Her acting is perfect.

她演得太做作。She overdoes her acting.

配音是个巨大工程。The voice acting is huge.

所以这就是我的演艺计划。so that's my acting plan.

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表演是一种模仿性艺术。Acting is an imitative art.

我的牙齿又痛起来了。My tooth is acting up again.

你为什么表现得那么好管闲事呢?Why are you acting so nosey?

她的演技真到火纯青的境界。Her acting is really perfect.

我妈的坐骨神经痛又犯了。Mom’s sciatica was acting up.

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这是他第一次上银幕。Tis was his first acting job.

她的演技感�了观众。Her acting -ried the audience.

所以,你是具体做什么演员?What sort of acting do you do?

周玲安戏剧演出视频!Betty Zh betty ou Acting Video!

这个力肯定作用在它上面This is certainly acting on it.

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感情的戏,我没演技。Emotional drama, I'm not acting.

他的演技感动了观众。His acting carried the audience.

我表现的像一个受爱情折磨的傻子。I'm acting like a lovesick fool.