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这种方法需要用到一个模板。This method is based on the stencil.

请给我油印这张腊纸,好吗?Would you run this stencil off for me?

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如果有必要请印在自己的脑门上提醒自己。Stencil it on your forehead if you must.

我需要更改印刷钢板的设计吗?Will I need to change my stencil design?

盖模板主要是冲压形式的模板形式。Cap Stencils are a stencil form for Stamp Marking.

液态的涂料会穿透这个布和模板。Liquid paint is passed over the cloth and stencil.

他用铁笔把设计图刻在蜡纸上。He drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus.

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无法删除模板集,因为仍然有模板正在使用中。Cannot delete stencil set because there are still stencils in use.

在版画中,每一种颜色都会专门制作一个模板。For every color in the print, the printmaker makes a different stencil.

薇婷脱毛蜡纸在铜仁哪里有卖的?Where graceful common vetch dehairing stencil paper has in Tong Ren sell?

你也可以使用印字,剪纸或蜡纸在一幅图案上。You could apply rub-on transfers, decoupage or stencil on a pattern, too.

请务必要小心用湿油漆一旦你喷刷模具。Make sure to be careful with the wet paint once you've airbrushed the stencil.

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喷枪在T恤您的模板可以多次为一个伟大的背景。Airbrushing your stencil multiple times on a T-shirt can make for a great background.

现在你就能够使用一个蜡版纹理从一个“上”位置中分隔出一个“下”位置。Now you can use a stencil texture to part a position "below" from a position "above".

JOYO模版的这情况在后续版本也没有得到改善。This circumstance of JOYO stencil also did not get ameliorative in follow-up version.

表单元素模板出自雅虎的设计模式库的设计模板套件。Form elements stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.

钢网最常用的材料是金属,主要是不锈钢和镍。The most widely used stencil materials are metals, primarily stainless steel and nickel.

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您不需要为更换无铅锡膏而更改钢板设计。You should not have to change your stencil design to accommodate the change to lead-free.

钢网制作技术包括化学腐蚀,镭射切割和电铸。Stencil manufacturing techniques include chemical etching laser cutting and electroforming.

或者,如果你有多个模具的数字,你可以改变它们之间的间距和我们一样。Or if your stencil has multiple figures, you can alter the spacing between them like we did.