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杯子炸了。The glass has burst.

气泡破了。The bubble has burst.

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嘉辉终于爆发了。Finally Adam burst out.

一辆小汽车起火燃烧。A car burst into flames.

他的一条血管破了。He burst a blood-vessel.

我无意中发现这条真理。The truth burst upon me.

那孩子立刻泣不成声。The kid burst into tears.

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他们把门撞开了。They burst the door open.

太阳又破云而出。The sun burst forth again.

博须埃放声大笑。Bossuet burst out laughing.

他突然闯进来打断了会议。He burst in on the meeting.

玛丽突然唱起歌来。Mary burst forth into song.

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门会爆开的。The doors would burst open.

接着,她们放声大笑。And they burst out laughing.

玫瑰鲜花怒放。The rose burst into blossom.

她突然开始唱起歌来了。She suddenly burst into song.

那只锅炉刚爆裂了。The boiler burst up just now.

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此情此景使屋里的人顿时笑作一团。The room burst into laughter.

但在1990年,经济泡沫破裂了。But in 1990, the bubble burst.

我想她是不会垮台的。I don't think she'll burst up.