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他们派了一个代表团到部里投诉。They sent a deputation to the ministry to complain.

村里的长者代表团在村长的带领下到达了。A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief.

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有这么庞大的代表团来迎接我们,我们感到很吃惊。We were surprised at there being such a large deputation to meet us.

总经理同意接见工厂派来的代表团。The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.

本文就设计质量评审中的军事代表工作做一些初步的探讨。This article gave some of brief discusses on the work of military deputation.

当绿色浓烟升起时,队伍里的人脸上闪著无血色的绿。As the green smoke rose, the faces of those in the deputation flashed pallid green.

要求会见首相的代表团准时抵达并立即受到接见。The deputation to see the Prime Minister arrived dead on time and was received at once.

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网络游戏产业作为竞争型网络产业的代表,拥有巨大的发展潜力。As deputation of Competitive Network Industry, online game industry possess immense potential.

等我慢慢从我的山浮现出来时,发现代表团已经被脚下大地的剧烈震动和咆哮吓跑了。I emerged from my hill to find the deputation gone, panicked by the ground that shook and roared beneath them.

终于,来了一个代表团拜访他,提议他充当即将举行的郡议会选举的候选人。Finally a deputation waited on him to propose that he should stand for the county council election that was shortly to be held.

那些野蛮人最终也及时的懂得了里昂纳斯的人们所懂的,并最终在一个寒冷的冬至的下午,一整个代表团来了。In time the barbarians learned too, and so it was that a deputation came to me one cold Midwinter Day, between noon and the setting of the sun.

本文深入浅出地对新经济的缘由、解释、争论以及新经济为何是高新技术加资本市场等相关问题进行了阶段性的较为全面的论述。The essay discusses the cause, explanation, deputation and the reasons why new economy is the mixture of new technology and capital market completely.

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他们敲敲门,自从八年或则十年前她停止开授瓷器彩绘课以来,谁也没有从这大门出入过。A deputation waited upon her, knocked at the door through which no visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier.

他的父亲死了并且他的母亲的年分开和同样怪癖的小包耸肩而且,是非常不定的,并且有是一个充足的代表团,他们有。His father died and his mother's years part and parcel of the same eccentricity a shrug moreover, is very uncertain, and there has been that a sufficient deputation , for which they had.