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由于黄金是用美元定价的,美元的下跌就会推高金价。As gold is priced in dollars, a falling greenback pushes up its price.

盘中,美股走高,令套息热情上升,支持汇价。Intraday, stocks higher, the warm up sets interest rates to support the greenback.

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当前流行的法则是,以美元计价的原油价格会随美元下挫而上涨。One currently in vogue is that oil, priced in dollars, rises as the greenback falls.

如果中国出售美元、购买日元或是韩元,这就增加了降低美元价值的风险。If it sells dollars to buy yen or won, it risks depressing the value of the greenback.

而杠杆式收购交易有限的时间跨度通常也会使押宝美元走势成为高风险游戏。The finite life-span of leveraged buyouts also makes gaming the greenback risky in general.

盖特纳之后对其讲话作出澄清,强调他仍支持美元的储备货币地位。Mr. Geithner later clarified his remarks, emphasizing his continued fandom of the greenback.

中国这一世界上最具活力的经济大国将其货币与美钞紧紧联系在一起。The world’s most buoyant big economy, China, has kept its currency tied firmly to the greenback.

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美元兑日元遇到了同样的问题,日元弱于风险相对较强的美元。USDJPY was met with the same dynamic, the Yen giving way to the comparatively risk prone Greenback.

在一定程度上,比如根据购买力平价汇率,美元对欧元依然贬值。On some measures, such as purchasing-power parity, the greenback still looks cheap against the euro.

在亚洲交易午盘时段,汇价一手为101.42日元高于周五的101日元。In midday Asian trade, the greenback was changing hands for 101.42 yen, up from 100.10 yen on Friday.

由于黄金是以美元标价的,一个坚挺的美元汇价通常导致黄金价格较低。Since gold is priced in dollars, a strong greenback typically results in a lower price for the metal.

她把一张联邦钞票放在桌上,但他们无论如何也不接受,这就充分显示出方丹这一家人的火爆脾气。The quick Fontaine tempers flared when she put a greenback on the table and they flatly refused payment.

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上调贴现率带动美元走强,因较高利率增加了美元计价资产的回报.The move triggered a rally in the greenback as higher rates increase the return on dollar-denominated assets.

许多人认为黄金是“反美元”的,因此,如果美元表现状态良好,他们就没有拥有黄金的动机。Many people see gold as the “anti-dollar”, so if the greenback does well, they have less incentive to own bullion.

以美元兑一篮子货币为依据的美元指数强劲但交易并不稳定。The dollar index . DXY, measuring the greenback against a basket of currencies, was stronger but in choppy trading.

今年,美元汇率再度走软,因愿意冒险的美国投资者买进了收益率较高的外国资产。This year the greenback has weakened again as risk-seeking US investors have bought higher-yielding foreign assets.

自从1971年美元脱离金本位,就一直处于跌势,其间只有为数不多的几次跌后复升。With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971.

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长期以来,在洗钱、毒品走私和逃税领域,美钞的市场。Having long had a market among money launderers, drug smugglers, and tax evaders, the greenback has now gone up-market.

技术分析师强调有一系列可能扶助支撑英镑/美元的支撑位.Technical analysts highlighted a cluster of support levels that should help to underpin the pound against the greenback.

被送美元翻筋斗的公告和引起了对通货膨胀的恐惧,可以由一张微弱的美钞恶化。The announcement sent the dollar tumbling and set off fears about inflation, which can be exacerbated by a weak greenback.