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它真的让我想起曼哈顿”。It really reminds me of Manhattan.

你需要你在曼哈顿的公寓吗?Do you need your flat in Manhattan?

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见鬼,为什么不把曼哈顿全买下来?Hell, why not buy all of Manhattan?

哪怕曼哈顿只有点雪泥也好。I'd even settle for Manhattan slush.

所以在曼哈顿我总是跟人约在这里见面。so I always meet people here in Manhattan.

但豪厄尔和曼哈顿扯不上什么关系。But Howell had little to do with Manhattan.

那几对年轻夫妇住在曼哈顿。The young married couples dig in Manhattan.

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我曾经在曼哈顿找到一个便宜公寓。I once found a cheap apartment in Manhattan.

华特‧惠特曼,曼哈顿之子,自成一个宇宙。Walt Whitman, a kosmos, of Manhattan the son.

鲍威利美国纽约城曼哈顿南部的一个区。A section of lower Manhattan in New York City.

保罗出生并成长于曼哈顿。Paul Elson was born and brought up in Manhattan.

这是曼哈顿,甚至连心理医生都有心理医生。This is Manhattan. Even the shrinks have shrinks.

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与这儿平行。如果你打算去看曼哈顿,parallel to here. If you were to look at Manhattan

曼哈顿区有什麽好的高层公寓吗?Are there any good high-rise apartments in Manhattan?

影片大部分在曼哈顿取景。Fosse shot the film largely on location in Manhattan.

史密斯从9月17日起一直驻扎在曼哈顿下城。Mr. Smith has been in Lower Manhattan since Sept. 17.

浓烟与灰尘冲过曼哈顿下城的街道。Thick dust and smoke rush through downtown Manhattan.

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这或可堪比曼哈顿计划和阿波罗项目。It could be another Manhattan Project or Apollo program.

顷刻间,一场足以撼动曼哈顿的爆炸就响起。Seconds later, a tremendous blast shook lower Manhattan.

上面那张是纽约市的地图,中间是曼哈顿。Above, the map for New York, with Manhattan in the center.