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如何将对效率的激励作用体制化、恒长化?。How to systematize the impelling effect of efficiency?

注重人才队伍的建设,建立激励机制,努力开拓市场等措施。Attaching importance to building up a talent team for opening up market by impelling system.

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宜将金庸武侠小说定位为具有较强感染力的、优秀的休闲文学作品。Jin Yong's swordsman fictions are highly impelling and excellent lie fallow literature writings.

文化软实力只是文化生产力中价值观层面的、具有内驱力的、"软"的方面。And soft-power of Chinese culture is a valuable, impelling and soft aspect of cultural productivity.

信息资源共建共享需要强有力的政策保障机制。Information resources cooperative building and sharing requires impelling policy guarantee mechanism.

社团是中国社会近代化的必然产物和主要推动力量。The mass organization is the Chinese society modernizing inevitable product and the main impelling force.

人事制度改革的成功,必须有强有力的思想政治工作做保证。Impelling ideological and political work should be guaranteed in order to achieve the personnel system reform.

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他们是推动社会经济发展和人类进步的主力,是都市中的精英。They are metropolis elites, the main force impelling the social economy development and the humanity progresses.

信息商品市场的发展必将成为强大的信息需求推动力量。The information commodity market development will certainly into the formidable information need impelling force.

利益是促使人类进行社会活动的现实动因,是社会前进和发展的动力。Interest as impelling mankind carry on realistic reason of social activities is society advance and power that develop.

市场经济的基本特征就是竞争,市场竞争是推动经济发展的重要条件。The character of market economy is compete , market compete is the important condition of impelling economy development.

要推动民营企业健康发展,必须以完善、规范的制度约束作保障。Impelling healthy development of the private enterprises must regard the perfect and standard system restraint as safeguard.

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提高农业组织化程度必须大力推进农业产业化进程。Raising the systematization level of agriculture needs vigorously impelling the process of the agricultural industrialization.

但是,至今仍缺乏强有力的在线安全监视、评估和控制的系统性的方法。It lacks, however, impelling and systemic methods that can be applied in the on-line security monitoring, assessment and control.

随着更多的超新星前身星得到确切证认,对大质量恒星演化理论的改进和完善将会获得有力的推动。Reliable identification of supernova progenitors is strongly impelling to improve and refine the evolution theory of massive stars.

社会信息化是当代社会的一种大趋势,它正推动着公共行政管理现代化的进程。The social information is one kind of major tendency of the society's, and it is impelling the public administration to modernization.

高职学前教育专业钢琴教学的改革,是推动学科建设和发展的一项重要工作。The innovation of piano teaching for prevocational education is critical duty of impelling the construction and development of curriculum.

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显然,固定的界限只存在于增加质量和减少减速力上,但推动力可以不确定地增加。Evidently fixed limits exist as regards increase of mass and reduction of retarding force, but the impelling force can be increased indefinitely.

随着技术成果在全球范围的广泛流转与应用,技术日益成为贸易的客体,成为国际贸易的主要推动力量。With the wide application of the technical production in the world, technology becomes the object of the trade and the dominating impelling force.

新桂系通过地方自治,践行民权主义,使广西政治走向现代化的进程。Through the local autonomy, the New Guangxi Warlord Clique practise the thoughts of civil right, impelling the modernized process of Guangxi politics.