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我喜欢“不经意式广播”这个主意。I like the idea of serendipitous broadcasting.

那天午饭后的发现纯属巧合。What followed lunch that day was a serendipitous discovery.

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“这其中有很多的运气成分,”威克尔表示。"A lot of serendipitous stuff came into play, " Wicker says.

偶尔人们会更加勇于尝试新鲜事物。Serendipitous people are more fearless about trying something new.

未来,数据挖掘是否会代替偶然观测的发现?Could data mining soon replace serendipitous observational discovery?

叶芝描述的是种侥幸得到的,感人的短暂的体验。It's a serendipitous and moving, momentary experience Yeats describes.

品尝机遇的生活并非总是完美而且没有遗憾的。The lives of the serendipitous are not always perfect and regret-free.

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他是王家卫即兴创作式电影的金字招牌。And he chalks it all up to Mr. Wong's serendipitous brand of filmmaking.

但是每个人都错了,很快转折点就出现了。But everyone was wrong, as a serendipitous turn of events would soon show.

在今后的意外发现中,很难找到比它更具突破性的发现了。As serendipitous discoveries go, it's hard to get more ground-breaking than that.

创办人兼首席执行官大卫·刘声称时间很紧迫。Co-founder and CEO David Liu called the timing of the announcement "serendipitous."

我在日本的故事是充满偶然的冒险,好运得让人詑异。My tale, my story here in Japan is kind of a serendipitous adventure, outrageous luck.

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这个偶然的发现是源于Bu博士关于老年痴呆症的治疗的研究。The serendipitous findings were born out of Dr. Bu's primary research focus, Alzheimer's disease.

它也是18世界中叶巴西橙树某一次突变的产物。It, too, was the result of a serendipitous mutation, this one from an orange tree in Brazil in the mid-1800s.

如今这种偶然性的读报体验将被重建,还会有更多的视频内容。The serendipitous experience of current newspaper reading could be recreated, and there will be much more video.

“直到那一刻发生,偶然发现对方的那一刻,我们才知道我们准备好打招呼了,”扎克伯格说。“It was when that moment happened, that serendipitous moment, that we knew we were ready to go,” Zuckerberg said.

而人文学、艺术和社会科学依然依靠研究者在浏览图书时偶然的发现。And those in the humanities, arts and social sciences still embrace the serendipitous discoveries made while browsing.

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还有,形状和范围异乎寻常的古老岩穴,包括偶尔进行的现场试验,也展示了当地岩盐地层的强度状况。Still, old caverns with unusual shapes and spans comprise serendipitous field tests that demonstrate the in-situ strength of salt formations.

它们会尝试,但它们也会遭遇阻力,因为金星与火星非常强大地在你星图上处在一种社交性与偶发性状态。They'll try but they'll meet some resistance, with Venus and Mars very strongly placed in a very social and serendipitous part of your chart.

不管三明治的这个传说是真是假,但是不可否认,即使最偶然的发明,也可以产生巨大的影响。Whether the lore of the sandwich is fact or fiction, there's no denying that even the most serendipitous invention can have big repercussions.