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最后建立了一个原型系统,取得较好的实验结果。By adding the comprehension of sematic relation, a better testing result is gained.

中性词语义偏移是当代语义学的一个关注点。The law of its sematic collocation and semantic shift is different from other categories.

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抽象名词作为名词的一个大类,其语义搭配和语义偏移的规律与其他类名词不同。The law of its sematic collocation and semantic shift is different from other categories.

词的“相因生义”是古代汉语词义发展的常见形式之一。Produced meaning by relative cause"of the words was one usual form in ancient Chinese sematic development."

把握好英语情感动词的语义特点及句法逆向功能对于学好英语是十分有益的。A good mastery of the sematic features and syntaxic reverse functions of the sentimental verb is very beneficial to our English study.

本文的主要工作是面向农业领域的本体知识协同建构和语义信息检索。In this paper, the main work focuses on the collaborative construction of agricultural ontology and sematic retrieval for agricultural resources.

然后,应用模糊点脊模型来描述手,对于基本的伸展状态进行了分类,为语义识别打下基础。Then, a BR model is built to express the postures of the hand and the usual extending states are classified to lay foundation for sematic recognition.

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其次我们对宾语位置的名词或名词性短语进行语义分类,从语义类特征探讨惯用语的来源。First , we do a sematic classification for the predicate, analyse which sematic kinds of verbs can as a centre form predicate-object structure idioms family.

根据时代特点,讨论中西方各时期对意义的不同定义,阐释“语义三角”在中西方形成和发展的过程。This paper also discusses the various definitions in different periods, and illustrates the origin and development of "sematic triangle" in the East and West.

知网从描述词语之间的关系以及属性之间的关系入手建立了中文词语语义知识的表示方法。HowNet established a way to represent sematic knowledge by describing the relationship between the words, as well as the relationship between the words' properties.

本文第六部分,通过比较语气副词“并”、“可”、“又”、“才”在话语使用中表义的差别和口气的强弱,对申辩性口气内部强弱层级的成因做出解释。The sixth part of this thesis explains the reason of the internal difference level of defensive modality, by the way of comparing the sematic using and the degree of the modality.

通过面向对象观点组织物联网关键数据和用本体建模,采用扩展用户查询方法进行语义检索,然后通过排序显示检索结果。The model organizes key data located on Internet of things from the point of view of object-oriented technique, construct patterns, then searches sematic and shows results orderly.

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不同于以上两种方法,框架网则是根据单词的不同的义项对应不同的语义框架,用不同的语义唤醒激活不同的框架,从而理解词语的语义。Unlike the above two methods, FrameNet is based on the word's different meaning in different sematic framework to evoke different framework in order to understand the meaning of the word.

从名词动用的语义理据、类别及其表达效果等方面对这一现象进行了分析,旨在说明英语名词动用对强化表达效果的重要意义。In this paper, this phenomenon is analyzed in the aspects of sematic motivation, classification and expressive effect of denominal verbs to illustrate the important significance of denominal verbs.