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它以前叫石碳酸。It was known as carbolic acid.

苯酚如果被摄入体内,可能会损坏人体的内脏。Carbolic acid can damage internal organs if ingested.

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但上诉法院认为,一个合理的男子石炭酸了一个严重的报价。But the court of appeal held that to a reasonable man Carbolic had made a serious offer.

由于担心破产,石炭酸争辩的广告并没有被作为一个严重的,具有法律约束力的要约。Fearing bankruptcy, Carbolic argued the advert was not to be taken as a serious, legally binding offer.

主要产品有蒽、萘、沥青、粗酚、苯、甲苯、二甲苯等。Main products are anthracene, naphthalene, bitumen, crude carbolic acid, benzene, toluene and xylene etc.

利奥•贝克兰往烧杯里加了一些甲醛和酚,把火调得比平时要旺些。Leo Baekeland increased the amounts of formaldehyde and carbolic acid in the beaker and turned the flame higher than usual.

示踪剂法是在原料中注入苯酚,再根据产物分离罐底物料中是否存在苯酚来判断。In tracing method, carbolic acid is added into the feed stream. Leak is determined by the presence of aromatics in separator bottom oil.

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以半微量法代替常量法,用溴乙烷代替碘乙烷与苯酚钠反应制取苯乙醚。With half-trace law instead of constant law, bromine ethane not iodine ethane reacts to carbolic acid sodium in order to make benzene ether.

随着无菌手术技术和通气设备的改进,我们不再需要使用石碳酸,但无菌原则亦然相同。Improvements in aseptic surgical techniques and ventilation have since made carbolic spray redundant, but the principles of antisepsis remain the same.

有了“脑力增长剂”,由“彼得石碳酸”以及“心灵奇迹”混合而成,只要一点身体力量的代价你就能拥有一个聪明的脑袋了!With the Brain Builder, a combination of the Pete's Carbolic Acid and the Mind Marvel, you can have that grey matter for the small price of your physical prowess!

在拜读过路易斯·巴斯德的诸多著作之后,并观察石炭酸在污水处理中的使用,李斯特开始尝试在处理病人手术伤口时使用石炭酸。Having studied some of the work of Louis Pasteur, and read papers on the use of carbolic acid in sewage treatment, Lister began treating his patient’s wounds with carbolic acid.