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她穿过凉亭,迅速走进屋内。She crosses the loggia and quickly enters the house.

客厅外是长廊式客厅。Just outside the Living Room is the Loggia Living Room.

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长廊眺望仙人掌花园和户外壁炉。The Loggia overlooks the cactus garden and outdoor fireplace.

两边建有60米的凉廊,高大壮观。At both sides, a 60m-long loggia is built, spectacular &lofty.

每一个房间都有一部分悬挑,这部分突出的边缘,通过起居室的延伸形成了室外长廊。Each apartment has a protruding edge, forming a loggia in the continuation of living room.

宽敞的客厅与早餐室相通,早餐室外有一条漂亮的门廊。The spacious family room leads to a breakfast room, which opens to a beautiful outdoor loggia.

通高的垂直木屏从西侧保护凉廊,创造了动态的前立面。A full height vertical timber screen protects the loggia from the west, and creates a dynamic front façade.

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长廊有48英寸离子屏幕电视,美丽的装饰,俯瞰仙人掌花园和壁炉。The loggia features a 48″ plasma screen t.v. and beautiful decor overlooking the cactus garden and fireplace.

北面的表皮几乎全部为透明玻璃,每个房间都包含可观看到海景的凉亭。The north facing facades are for the most part glazed and each bedroom contains a covered loggia with a sea view.

这个神秘的女子是坐在描绘在什么似乎是一个开放的长廊与黑暗的支柱基地,对任何一方。The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side.

该建筑正门在大楼北部,有一个典型的凉廊,朝向前面的广场。The main entrance is found at the northern part of the building, which has a classic loggia motif facing the plaza in front.

安详真的能让人忘却时间。如凉廊里的老人,岁月其实是悄悄在他脸上爬过的。Sedateness could make people forgotten the time. For Example, to the man who sat down loggia , It seems slid away over his face.

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该湖的比尔根山山边的意见以高超的瑞吉,并显示了一个突出的,放光砖玻璃长廊由轮。The lake side with superb mountain views of the Rigi and the Bürgenstock shows off a protruding, glistering loggia made of round glass bricks.

世界上最大教会的领导者约翰保罗教皇二世在圣彼得教堂的中心走廊用56种语言发表复活节祝贺词。Shepherd of the world's largest communion, Pope John Paul II delivers Easter greetings in 56 languages from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica.

那儿有一个白色的焊接网的两层楼,阳台和彩色玻璃的窗帘在会议室西边的左边,在幼儿园门前。There is a two-floor loggia of a white-coated welded grid and coloured glass pain curtain to the west of the group rooms on the left, in front of the kindergarten.