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4月21日晚,一飞机的人来到了这里。A planeload of guests arrived on the night of April 21st.

然后我们回到了一个精疲力竭的迈阿密消防救援队调度不及。We then returned with a planeload of a team of exhausted Miami Fire rescue.

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我是说,我们有一架满载导弹零部件的飞机在泰国被拦截了。I mean, look, we just had a planeload of missile parts intercepted in Thailand.

美国进口商一飞机一飞机的前往越南,希望利用当地的低劳动力成本。American importers are now arriving by the planeload in Vietnam, hoping to take advantage of the country's lower wages.

过去,大量日本顾客乘坐飞机涌入巴黎,米兰和纽约,去购买欧美的奢侈品牌。Japanese shoppers used to pour by the planeload into Paris, Milan and New York to buy exclusive European and US brands.

泰国去年12月截获了一飞机显然运往伊朗的朝鲜火箭弹及其它武器。Thailand in December seized a planeload of North Korean rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons apparently bound for Iran.

更重要的是,就是因为上述的原因,新西兰才能在地图上被人们注意到。并且在当地产生了兴旺发达的电影文化,引来了许多搭乘飞机的国际游客。More than anything else, this is what puts New Zealand on the map, generated a thriving film culture and drawn international visitors by the planeload.

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伦·布朗的正式职务是商业秘书——负责照顾整个飞机上的美国高级决策官员以寻求新的国外业务。It was Ron Brown's signature role as commerce secretary-playing shepherd to a planeload of American chief executive officers in search of new foreign business.

今天早些时候,联合国武器核查人员乘坐飞机离开巴格达抵达塞浦路斯,之前已经有大批的外交官员,援助人员及其他外交人士抵达塞浦路斯。Earlier in the day, a planeload of U.N. weapons inspectors left Baghdad aboard a flight to Cyprus, joining the exodus of diplomats, aid workers and other foreigners.

在商人的支持下,首相布朗开始了他的第二次中国之旅,满怀与中国加强政治、经济和文化联系的善意。Supported by a planeload of businessmen, Gordon Brown set out on his second visit to China last night, full of good intentions to strengthen political, economic and cultural ties with Beijing.