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你把迟来的第一步。The first step taken, albeit late-coming.

因此,我告诉了她们实情,尽管有所删节。So I told them the truth, albeit somewhat abridged.

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而且我猜他还开着小篷车呢。Yes, yes he is, albeit I doubt he drives a mini-van.

尽管其中有不确定因素,中国法律在缓慢发展,一直到今天。Chinese law has been and is evolving, albeit uncertainly.

这一目标志向高远,但却值得一试。These are very ambitious goals, albeit very worthwhile ones.

这些投行在发售说明书里披露了完整的情况,尽管是用小字印刷的。They disclosed it all in the prospectus, albeit in fine print.

不过也存在一些进步的迹象--尽管缓慢和不确定。But there may be signs of progress -- albeit slow and uncertain.

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西方尽管不情愿,也已经习惯了这些现实。The west is, albeit unwillingly, getting used to these realities.

我感觉同样事情正在这儿发生,尽管沉闷而缓慢。I feel that same process happening here, albeit agonizingly slowly.

现在我终于可以亲身参与到这场“戏剧”中,即使是个跑龙套的。Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky.

事实上,他看上去是一个有同情心的人,尽管他也很迷茫。In fact, he appears to be a very compassionate, albeit confused man.

本部分提供一个具体的、简化的、真实的案例。This section provides a concrete, albeit simplified, real-world case.

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中国经济减速也会给亚洲带来一些利好,尽管都是些微不足道的小利。A China slowdown would bring some benefits for Asia, albeit small ones.

延期了四周,园游会终于还是在连绵春雨中开张了!After 4 weeks, we finally had our festival, albeit still on a rainy day.

另外,尽管不可能,右路选择还有大卫-贝克汉姆。One other, albeit unlikely, full-back option looked to be David Beckham.

但是最终这项交易还是获得通过了,尽管遭到了大声的抗议。But in the end the deal sailed through, albeit with loud public protests.

现在你可以在怀伊河谷这个似乎和美国没有什么关系的地方找到答案。Well, now you can, albeit in the unlikely surroundings of the Wye Valley.

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他其实是权力精英,尽管是招摇过市、财大气粗的那种。He is the power elite, albeit an ostentatiously gold-tufted version of it.

实际上那只是一种简单的特技,虽然愚笨,但是每个人都能做。It is actually a simple stunt, albeit goofy, that practically anyone can do.

不过这至少还有一个规定的程序,虽然很烦琐且代价高昂。At least there is an established procedure, albeit a costly and cumbersome one.