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文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到。The period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come.

相对湿度较低时,有风化的危险。At low relative humidities there is a risk of efflorescence.

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具强列的表面质感,如同风化过后。It has strong surface effect, looks like the gritstone after efflorescence.

1946年至1969年,英国的比较法进入了全盛时期。The period from 1946 to 1969 was the efflorescence of English comparative law.

但在突如其来繁盛的光辉之外,房市泡沫开始形成。But beyond the glow of this sudden efflorescence , a housing bubble had begun to form.

它可防止水份吸收、藻类生长、风化,也能抗防紫外线。Water Guard prevents water absorption, algae growth, efflorescence and is also UV resistant.

看世间花开花落,是如此婀娜美丽,又如此短暂烟飞。See the world flower efflorescence fall, is thus graceful beauty, again thus the brief smoke fly.

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我从来都没想过结果呀,可是你至少给我一个发芽开花的机会吧!I have always been and did not think the result ah, but you give me a germination at least efflorescence of opportunity!

即使披头士在经济萧条下引起了一场文化繁荣,制造业仍无法弥补这种损失。Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cultural efflorescence led by the Beatles accompanied the economic woes.

西方的书籍、刊物和人员涌入中国,为艺术家的培养形成了新的舞台,一派繁荣。Books, periodicals, and people began pouring into China from the West, setting the stage for a new efflorescence in the training of artists.

他伸出手来,微笑如水的样子,牵着我的手,闲闲看过街头的花开花落。He stretches out a hand, smiling such as water of appearance, lead long a my hand, carefree once saw the flower efflorescence of street fall.

当然,在纽约经济最低迷的七十年代,艺术繁荣发展。To be sure, there was a tremendous artistic efflorescence in the nineteen-seventies, the worst decade of the century for the New York economy.

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神秘和神奇思想,科学和伪科学研究,阴谋理论和公众混乱的全盛时期爆发了。An efflorescence of mystical and magical thinking, scientific and pseudo-scientific research, conspiracy theories and general pandemonium broke out.

论文对新邱露天矿不同风化程度的煤矸石在不同固液比条件下溶解释放污染物的规律进行了浸泡实验研究。This article carry out soaking experiments of contamination dissolution releasing regularity of coal gangue with different efflorescence degree of Xinqu strip mine.

通过对某花岗岩风化蚀变高岭土的漂白试验研究表明,采用加温还原漂白的方法,可使该高岭土矿的白度从65。By study on bleach of a kind of granite efflorescence altered kaoline shows that adopted heating reducing bleaching process, the kaoline of albedo is upgraded from 65.

介绍瓷砖、石材粘结剂和填缝剂等材料在施工后泛碱的产生过程、内在机理、泛碱的原因及防治措施。The generant course, inherence mechanism, and cause of efflorescence of adhesive and grout for tile and stone after construction, and control measures were introduced.

风化作用使陨石很难在人口稠密的地方存在,但是却可以在南极干燥、寒冷的气候里存在几百万年,胡解释道。Efflorescence makes it hard for meteorites to stay in densely populated areas, Hu explained, but they could last for millions of years in Antarctica's dry, cold weather.

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独特的政治结构中世纪晚期意大利已导致有些人的理论,其不同寻常的社会气候允许出现一个罕见的文化开花。The unique political structures of late Middle AgesItaly have led some to theorize that its unusual social climate allowed the emergence of a rare cultural efflorescence.

基于山渣料具有强度特性、变形特性、风化程度等变异性大的特点,公路建设中对其工程特性缺乏系统地认识。Because of the clear systematically variability of strength, deformation, efflorescence of rock slag mixture, its engineering property has not been systematically studied.

意大利中世纪后期独特的政治架构使得人们认为出现这种罕见的文化繁荣正是因为意大利与众不同的社会氛围。The unique political structures of late Middle Ages Italy have led some to theorize that its unusual social climate allowed the emergence of a rare cultural efflorescence.