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长途客车旅行在最近的几年里深受欢迎。Intercity bus travel has taken off in the last few years.

这是本省最繁忙的市际公路之一。This is one of the busiest intercity highways in the province.

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铁路网络已经造就一批在城际间上下班的新群体。The network is already creating a new class of intercity commuters.

这个过程根据方程1用城市间的距离填补了矩阵。This procedure fills a matrix with the intercity distances according to equation 1.

市际火车发生故障,结果我们只得等待一个多小时更换火车。The intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement.

这是城际铁路的第一回合部署,并有望继续向南延伸到迈阿密。It is the first leg of an intercity corridor that is expected to continue southward to Miami.

连接南昌市和九江市的城际高铁本周一开始运行。The intercity high-speed rail line connecting Nanchang and Jiujiang began operation on Monday.

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具有革命性的是,美国开始投资高速列车城际网络。What is revolutionary is that the US is starting to invest in higher-speed intercity networks.

奥巴马总统计划中的州际快速旅客列车最终在货物轨道上的运行速度要达到110英里/小时。But Mr Obama’s plan boils down to running intercity passenger trains at 110mph on freight tracks.

本研究目的在于分析国道客运公司的相对市场定位。The aim of this study is to investigate the relative market positioning of intercity bus companies.

在此研究基础上,文章介绍了运用通用设计理念进行的城际轨道交通工具的设计实践。Based on this research, the article introduces the design, which applies the UD theory on the intercity train.

具体来说,我想谈谈城际特快列车,西湖和东坡肉。To be more precise, I’m gonna talk about the intercity express train, the west lake and the soysauced Dongpo Pork.

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“为了用高速城市间列车将全美连接在一起,我们找到了一个正确的开端”。“We’re right at the start of an opportunity for America to be connected with high-speed, intercity rail,” he said.

本研究以国道客运台中-高雄线、台北-台南线之旅客为调查对象。We took passengers of Taichung-Kaohsiung line and Taipei-Tainan line of intercity bus on national freeway as our samples.

具有地铁、城际列车、机车的驱动链综合系统工程经验者优先考虑。Prefer those with experience in system engineering for drive chain integration of metros, intercity trains or locomotives.

积极推进新型磁浮交通的发展,开拓长大干线与城市交通两方面的实用化与产业化。To actively promote the development of the maglev transportation both for the long distance line and intercity application.

去年十月份,国会又一次延长该公司五年的授权,并计划改造城市间和高速客运铁路线。In October Congress reauthorised Amtrak for five years, and included plans to advance intercity and high-speed passenger rail.

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根据奥巴马的提议,美国将在国内建设10条城市间高速铁路,经济刺激项目将为其提供资金。S. , part of President Obama's initiative for 10 potential high-speed intercity corridors to be funded with economic-stimulus money.

傅先生说,许多长途巴士已经停运,司机们也放了假,在运营的车满座率也不超过一半。Many intercity bus services have been canceled and the drivers laid off, and the remaining buses are less than half full, Mr. Fu said.

这些变化将支持不断增加的通勤和城际铁路的服务,也为高性能,高速度的铁路未来的发展提供了空间…These changes will support increasing commuter and intercity rail service with room for future expansion of high-performance, high-speed rail.