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看得出广西得到了实际的利益。It appears that Kwangsi gained the real advantage.

广西金花茶的两个新变种。Two new varieties of Camellia chrysantha from Kwangsi.

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日本人和广西领导人无疑为了暂时的利益在互相利用。The Japanese and the Kwangsi leaders clearly attempted to use each other for temporary advantages.

战争一全面爆发,广西空军就置于中央政府的指挥之下。As soon as the war began, the Kwangsi air force was placed under the orders of the central government.

大多数广西战斗飞行员都在战斗中牺牲,这些飞行员在战斗中证明了他们是真正的英雄。Most of the Kwangsi combat flight personnel died in action. These Kwangsi fliers proved themselves truly heroic.

显然桂系觉得英国飞机和指导员成本太高。What apparently happened was that the Kwangsi Clique found the cost of British aircraft and instructors too high.

为了国家的防卫,广西的领导人很大程度放弃了他们的权力资源。In going to the defense of China, the Kwangsi leaders gave up to a large degree control over their own base of power.

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广西的领导强调,日本帝国主义构成的威胁是中国在她整个历史上要面对的最重大的威胁。The Kwangsi leaders stated that Japanese imperialism constituted the gravest threat China had faced in her entire history.

后来,暹罗和越南也嗅到了明朝的软弱,开始向云南、广西等南部省份侵袭。Subsequently the Burmese and Vietnamese, also scenting weakness, began to raid the southern provinces of Yunnan and Kwangsi.

国立广西大学的杜苏教授,因为付不起医院费用而跳楼自杀。Professor Tu Su of National Kwangsi University killed himself by jumping from a building because he couldn't pay his hospital bills.

在官方的广西空军历史资料上,在照片中,这些战斗中牺牲的广西飞行员,他们的眼睛里流露着年轻与纯真。The eyes of baby-faced Kwangsi pilots who were killed in action stare out from their photographs in an official Kwangsi air force history.

相反,在知道广西本身也很可能成为日本侵略的目标的情况下,把他们的军队送去防卫华东。On the contrary, they sent their armies to defend eastern China, knowing that Kwangsi itself appeared to be a likely target of Japanese invasion.

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他曾尝试以同样的方法拉拢广西空军,但仅仅林伟成接受了蒋的贿赂,他驾驶一架教练机飞到广东。He made a similar attempt to win over the Kwangsi air force, but only Lin Wei-ch'ing accepted Chiang's offer. He flew to Canton in a training plane.

在战争的初期广西军看起来发展了值得表扬的内聚性、士气、可靠性和纪律性。The Kwangsi army units in the first stages of the war appear to have developed a commendable degree of cohesiveness , morale, reliability, and discipline.

被许多作家质疑的桂系抗战声明的诚挚的一个原因是广西空军的训练。广西领导人在空军的使用上给出了非常先进的看法。One reason that a number of writers questioned the sincerity of the Clique's anti-Japanese statements had to do with the training of the Kwangsi air force.

日本人看到了在广西发展他们的商业和政治影响的机会来了,他们以极其优惠的价格向广西提供飞机和培训员。The Japanese saw an opportunity to develop their commercial and political affairs in Kwangsi and offered their aircraft and instructors at a favorable cost.

对这一计划抱有热切希望的史迪威在中国广西省的桂林建立了一个步兵训练中心,并为此派驻了2200名美国人。Always hopeful, Stilwell established an infantry training center at Kweilin in Kwangsi Province soon afterwards and staffed it with about 2,200 U. S. personnel.

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北京天津打下以后,这个团结立即解散,变为四派内部激烈斗争的局面,蒋桂两派且在酝酿战争中。As soon as these cities were captured, this alliance broke up, giving way to bitter struggle among the four cliques, and now a war is brewing between the Chiang and the Kwangsi cliques.