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你是要苏打威士忌还是鸡尾酒?Second, there is the highball glass.

在鸡尾酒杯中放满冰块。Fill a highball glass with ice cubes.

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我说,谢谢,我有一杯搀姜汁啤酒的威士忌。So I said thanks, I'd have a highball.

你是要苏打威士忌还是鸡尾酒?。Would you have a highball or cocktail?

为那些喜欢葡萄柚汁准备的清新冰水威士忌。A refreshing highball for those who like grapefruit juice.

在高球杯中加满冰块,把所有成分依次倒入其中,轻轻搅动即可。Combine ingredients in a highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently.

混合阿所有原料入盛有冰块的海波杯,搅合如玻璃杯。Combine ingredients in a highball glass over crushed ice. Stir & serve.

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将所有原料入盛有冰块的海波杯,搅合,装饰。Pour ingredients into a highball blass over ice. Stir, garnish and serve.

进伏特加,柚子汁至八分。直调。Pour Vodka over ice into highball glass. Fill with grapefruit juice. Stir.

苹果白兰地高球是一种混合饮料,白兰地很容易在家里做。The Apple Brandy Highball is a mixed drink with brandy that's easy to make at home.

混合所有原料入盛有冰块的海波杯,搅合,置入吸管。Combine all ingredients in a highball glass over ice cubes. Stir. Serve with a straw.

拿出你最常使用的酒杯,测测看它可以盛多少酒。Pull out the highball glass or wineglass you use most often, and measure how much it holds.

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这款鸡尾酒是把波本威士忌和纯净水倒在高球杯里。Bourbon and branch is a drink prepared in a highball glass made with bourbon and spring water.

还有一种更高更细的海柏杯,通常被称作僵尸酒杯。There is a taller thinner version of the highball glass which is often known as a zombie glass.

加冰块摇合所有原料,滤入盛有冰块的海波杯,置入吸管。Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice cubes. Serve with a straw.

在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用柠檬角和红樱桃装饰。Shake with crushed ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with lemon wedge and cherry.

混合所有原料入盛有冰块的海波北,饰以橘片,置入吸管。Combine all ingredients over ice in a highball glass. Stir. Garnish with an orange slice, serve with a straw.

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在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入高球杯,用红樱桃装饰。Combine ingredients in blender with ice. Blend until smooth and pour into a highball glass. Garnish with a red cherry.

除苏打水外摇合所有原料,滤入盛有碎冰的海波杯,搅合。Shake all ingredients except club soda and strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Fill with Club Soda. Stir and Serve.

除波士黑莓外加冰混合所有原料,滤入海波杯,滤入碎冰,注入适量波士黑莓力娇酒。Shake all ingredients with ice except BOLS Blackberry. Strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Top with BOLS Blackberry.