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飞机要在丹佛市停一下。It has a layover in Denver.

中途要停留多长时间?How long will the layover be?

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你要在芝加哥作短暂停留。You have a layover in Chicago.

你要在芝加哥作短暂停留。You should have a layover in Chicago.

我们中途要在旧金山停留吗?Will we have a layover in San Francisco?

我们在日本只有两小时的中途停留。We only have a two-hour layover in Japan.

我可以在哪里停留期间,我得到一个体面塔科?Where can I get a decent taco during my layover?

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这次航班飞行时间是五个小时,并且要在芝加哥停留半个小时。It's a five hour flight with a half hour layover in Chicago.

这一航班是直飞还是中途有停留呢?Is this a continuous flight or is there a layover somewhere ?

我们在飞往巴黎的途中,在阿姆斯特丹中途停留了三小时。On our way to Paris, we had a three hour layover in Amsterdam.

如果可能的话,中途在夏威夷停留一下,你不会后悔的。If you can, try to get a layover in Hawaii, you won't be sorry!

另一个有趣的“创新”在于,搜索引擎能显示航班在转机城市的中途停留时间。An interesting twist is showing layover time in connecting cities.

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您年夜约勾留三小时后,就能搭上转接班机。You'll have about a three-hour layover before your connecting flight.

路程真是不近。中途还有短暂停留吧?您一定累坏了。That is a long flight. You had a layover too, is that right? You must be tired.

杰玛,16岁,在曼谷机场拉约弗,恩和她的父母在越南度假路线。Gemma, 16, is on layover at Bangkok Airport, en route with her parents to a vacation in Vietnam.

同时也需要为巴士等待游客付账和吃饭时设置停留空间。Also needed is space for buses to layover while waiting for tourists to make their purchases and enjoy a meal.

妮娜华福和马克华福从家乡明利阿波利斯乘坐的航班历经中途短暂停留飞跃布洛克维尔,安大略最后到了芝加哥。Nina and Mark Whitford of Brockville, Ontario, ended up in Chicago while on a layover on their flight home from Minneapolis.

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不带行李旅行的优越性在我上路的第一天就显示出来了。The advantages of travelling without luggage became apparent on the first day of the journey, during a four-hour layover in London.

在芝加哥登上西风号快车前往旧金山前,我们有几个小时的空余时间,所以我们就赶到芝加哥艺术学院去看由建筑大师伦佐·皮亚诺设计的新楼。We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing.

虽然我没拿到中国的旅行签证,但有过境签,某次我从印度回美国,在广州机场转机我有足够的时间逗留。Although I have not taken an official trip to China, I got a transit visa there for one day when I had an unplanned long layover at the airport at Guangzhou on my way back to the US from India.