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因此,在皮肤病的诊断中,对皮肤细致的体检是至关重要的。Therefore, careful physical examination of the skin is paramount in dermatologic diagnosis.

因此,我们需要一种安全和有效的系统性治疗方法来对付这种皮肤疾病。Thus, there is a need for safe and effective systemic therapies to combat this dermatologic condition.

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他还担任唯一新奥尔良的路易斯安那州立大学医学中心皮肤科副教授。He also serves as associate professor of dermatologic surgery at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans.

观察随意微小皮瓣修复颜面部皮肤外科手术后皮肤缺损的效果。To explore the effects of small random pattern skin flaps in one stage repair of facial skin defects in dermatologic surgery.

包括颜色照片的皮肤病学和眼状况,药理学考虑在整个期间,以及桌子的关键鑑别诊断。Includes color photos of dermatologic and ophthalmic conditions, pharmacologic considerations throughout, and tables of critical differential diagnoses.

该所提供激光服务,皮肤病服务和美容服务,采用最新的激光技术已经成功地治疗数千人。It offers Laser services, dermatologic services, and aesthetic services, and has treated successfully thousands of patients using the latest in laser technology.

阿卜杜勒博士做研究,而研究员,在激光和皮肤科外科中心在切斯特,密苏里州的领导下,乔治赫鲁扎,海事处,着。Dr. Abdelmalek did the research while a fellow at the Laser and Dermatologic Surgery Center in Chesterfield, Missouri, under the direction of George Hruza, MD, a coauthor.

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随着共聚焦技术的进一步发展,它在皮肤外科广阔的应用前景已经显现出来,并将极大地促进皮肤外科的发展。With the development of confocal technique, it has shown a favorable perspective for dermatologic surgery, and may further promote the development of dermatologic surgery.

为了快速查找,本书目录按照运动对皮肤的影响,运动-皮肤的特异表现来分类。On the inside covers of the book, for quick reference and easy access, we have listed dermatologic conditions affecting athletes, first by sport and then by specific skin condition.

一27岁女性在上背部出现数个环形的板块约一个月,其他皮肤表现还包括了头皮上一红色具有脱屑性的板块。A 27-year-old female presented with several annular plaques on the upper back for one month. Other dermatologic findings revealed erythematous plaques with mild scaling on the scalp.

结论本研究提示在鼓励皮肤科医生参与麻风防治的同时对其进行麻风知识培训的重要性。Conclusion This study emphasizes the importance of providing training on leprosy to the doctors in dermatologic clinics while continuously encouraging their involvement in leprosy control.

个案于就诊期间除接受皮肤科追踪评估与精神科药物治疗外,亦与家人一同接受每周一次、每次一小时之家族治疗。During treatment, she received regular dermatologic evaluations and psychiatric medication treatments. She and her family also participated a 60-minute session of family therapy once a week.