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他给我一本书,此外又给我一只自来水笔。He gave me a book and added thereto a fountain pen.

本发明还公开了与其相关的树脂组合物。Also disclosed are resinous compositions related thereto.

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只有经我们的事先书面同意,方可委托分代理人。Subagents may be commissioned only after our prior written consent thereto.

一种外转子型风扇电机及磁化外转子型风扇电机的磁体的方法。An outer rotor-type fan motor and a method for magnetizing a magnet applied thereto.

在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名。The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.

本协议的传真副本和增订协议具有法律效力。The fax copy of the agreement and supplementary agreements thereto shall have legal effect.

少年人用甚麽洁净他的行为呢.是要遵行你的话。Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

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伊阿古她要是虽黑丑却聪明,包她找到一位俊郎君。Iago. If she be black, and thereto have a wit, She'll find a white that shall her blackness fit.

如果人一定要赎回这十分之一,除物价以外,还要加上五分之一。And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof.

是在不动产之外的,但是属于土地并且有关连的东西。Something which is outside the real property itself, but belongs to the land and is joined thereto.

申请书应当载明申请理由,并附有关证据。The application shall clearly set forth causes for application with relevant evidence attached thereto.

保密信息所有权以及产生的相关利益均归信息提供方所有。Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall remain with the provider all the time.

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在投票结束后,不得再投票,代理投票或撤回或改变原有投票。After the polls close, no ballots, proxies or votes nor any revocations or changes thereto may be accepted.

第三百八十五条存货人交付仓储物的,保管人应当给付仓单。Article 385 Upon the depositor's delivery of the goods, the warehouser shall issue thereto a warehouse receipt.

逃避过往和逃避跟过往有关的一切,就是要把过往和过往的一切消除掉,要做到这一点,她就一定得离开这里。To escape the past and all that appertained thereto was to annihilate it, and to do that she would have to get away.

第三百八十五条存货人交付仓储物的,保管人应当给付仓单。Warehouse Receipt Upon the depositor's delivery of the goods, the warehouser shall issue thereto a warehouse receipt.

图书出版者重印、再版作品的,应当通知著作权人,并支付报酬。In reprinting or republishing a work, the book publisher shall notify the copyright owner and pay compensation thereto.

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本协议双方签字盖章生效,对双方以及其继承者和受让方都有约束力。In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.

我们知道自己是有限的存在,首先与别的有限的存在有区别,并且与它们有联系。We know ourselves as existents, distinguished in the first place from other existents, and with certain relations thereto.

这项规定不得妨碍法院的权力,以决定案件公允和善良原则,如果当事方同意作出。This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono , if the parties agree thereto.