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欢迎来到印第安纳州圣克劳斯。Welcome to Santa Claus, Indiana.

就像印第安那·琼斯似的。It's like an Indiana Jones thing.

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对我来说,安大略就同印第安纳一样。To me, Ontario may as well be Indiana.

詹姆斯·迪恩1931年出生于印第安纳州的马里恩。In 1931 James Dean was born in Marion, Indiana.

印第安纳州是以县为基础考虑是否遵守的。Indiana observes it on a county-by-county basis.

NBA印第安纳步行者队是印地的优秀球队之一。NBA Indiana Pacers is one of the great teams in Indy.

第二天就是跟步行者队的比赛了,比赛节奏太快了!Next day we played Indiana and the game was fast! ! !

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此外,最近的民意调查还发现,克林顿参议员在印地安纳州有微弱优势。Recent polls in Indiana give a slight edge to Clinton.

最近的民调结果给希拉里还来了微弱的优势。Recent polls in Indiana give a slight edge to Clin ton.

今年夏天印地安那州和威斯康星州都减少了对电影的赞助。This summer Indiana and Wisconsin reduced their rebates.

不过,现在阿肯色州,印地安那州以及内华达州这三个州仍然允许人们拍照时可以微笑。Arkansas, Indiana and Nevada do still allow small smiles.

是的,在那久已远去的12月,天使们现身于印第安纳。Yes, there were angels in Indiana that long-ago December.

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来自印第安纳州的Carmel高中赢得了初级组的胜利。Carmel High School from Indiana won the beginners division.

卡罗琳.耶尔德尔.斯特利也从印第安纳州回到家乡为我的活动献歌。Carolyn Yeldell Staley also came home from Indiana to sing.

把它当做是一场冒险啊,就假装你自己是印第安纳·琼斯。Think of it as an adventure. Pretend you are Indiana Jones.

布鲁明顿,印第安纳大学出版社。Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1995

布鲁明顿,印第安纳大学出版社。Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1991.

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一名印第安纳州州警因为违反交通拦下一辆轿车。An Indiana state trooper stopped a car for a traffic violation.

从重建方案子公司WFIU出印第安纳严重爵士乐节目。Serious Jazz programing from NRP affiliate WFIU out of Indiana.

谷物、汽车和商业---这就是印地安那州或是“山地人”所给你的。Corn, cars, and commerce-that's Indiana for you, Hoosier wannabe.