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葱属和百合属是近亲。The onion is allied to the lily.

在“大姨妈”日的盟军护士们。Allied nurses on their lady-days.

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全军进攻联合军的部队!All units, engage the Allied Forces!

煤炭在化学上与金刚石属于同类。Coal is chemically allied to diamond.

多国部队共出动飞机10万架次。The Allied Troo flew 100,000 sorties.

多国部队共出动飞机10万架次。The Allied Troops flew 100,000 sorties.

丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。Danish and Swedish are allied languages.

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盟军侦查员,吉佐,所罗门群岛,2002。Allied Scout, Gizo, Solomon Islands, 2002

盟军部队从西面进攻。Allied forces were attacking from the west.

几个部落联合起来抵抗侵略者。Several tribes allied to fend off the invaders.

同盟国远征军最高司令部Supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force

东吴和刘备的联军就这样胜利了。Wu and Liu Bei's allied forces win in this way.

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盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.

赋予友军单位纳垢的祝福。Bestow the blessings of Nurgle on an allied unit.

其时,21艘协约国战舰正在港口停泊。Meanwhile, 21 allied warships sat in the harbour.

在一次大战中,什么是中心力量和同盟力量?What was Central powers and Allied powers in WWI?

这些卫星保证了多国部队的通讯通畅无阻。They supported the communics of the Allied Forces.

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盟军的数学梦之队就这样助他们赢得了二战胜利。And that's how Allied mathletes helped win the war.

于是形成了准备作战的多国部队。thus the allied troops were formed ready for a war.

那些卫星保障了多国军队的通信畅达无阻。They supported the munications of the Allied Forces.