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然后把应有的强奏加入。Then add the forte.

然而,他的长处试运营。However, his forte is on the operations.

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书虫式的环境保护主义正是戈尔先生的拿手好戏。Nerdy environmentalism is Mr Gore's forte.

南昌泛泰医疗设备有限公司。NanChang Forte Medical Equipment Co. , Ltd.

那是我们政府的强项与强音。That is the forte and forte of our govement.

他在高盛的过人之处在于交易决策。His forte at Goldman, above all, was deal-making.

首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。And first,I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!

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右手乐谱中,前三个和弦是弱奏,第二组的三个和弦是强奏。In the RH, the first 3 chords are soft, and the second 3 are forte.

目的评价迈之灵在治疗精索静脉曲张中的作用。Objective To evaluate the effects of Aescuren ○R forte on varicocele.

一段突然的渐强音使音乐在半个小节内从最弱音增强到强音。A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar.

好,好,我的两位好徒弟!首先,我想传授你们我的一项拿手绝活。OK, OK, my two clever apprentices. And first, I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!

拉伊还剩另一个项目,也就是50米手枪,这是他的强项。Jitu is now left with another event in the Olympic Games — 50m pistol, which is his forte.

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节奏和曲调突然降为弱音,但胁迫感不减先前的强音部分。Rhythm and tune then fall into an abrupt piano, no less threatening than the previous forte.

哭可是宝宝的拿手戏,只要她一哭,妈妈没辙了。Crying is the baby's forte. Whenever she cries, her mother doesn't know how to deal with her.

喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥软膏已经数十年在全世界范围广泛应用于大量患者。Hirudoid and Hirudoicl forte have been used over decades worldwide in an extensive number of patients.

文体的复低截获概率有一些不同的设计元素相比较,其非混合兄弟姐妹。Stylistically , the Forte LPI has some different design elements when compared to its non-hybrid siblings.

当你想给任何机会,使细胞复地紫蘑菇防御你的第一道防线。When You Want to Leave Nothing to Chance, Make Cell Forté Purple Mushroom Defense Your First Line of Defense.

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然而一个正在崛起的中国企业却确确实实在自己的地盘上击败了爱立信,而且是在对方的优势项目上击败了它。Yet an up-and-coming Chinese firm did beat Ericsson on its home turf, for what is still the Swedish company's forte.

至11月11日,保利地产、复地、金地等均已提前完成或接近全面销售目标。Property developers like Poly Real Estate, Forte and Gemdale have come close to hitting, their year-long targets by Nov 11.

这是尤为震惊的,因为由于易建联的受伤,纳胡拉有了更多的上场时间发挥,而且据说防守是他的专长。This is particularly striking because Najera has been playing more as a result of Yi's injury, and that is allegedly his forte.