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他们不再提出诉讼。They desisted from further litigation.

什么是特许人的诉讼历史?What is the franchisor's litigation history?

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接着再想想相关的民法诉讼。Then imagine the collateral civil litigation.

不过与Corbis的诉讼还是将他们吓跑了。But the litigation with Corbis scared them away.

对月诉讼世间苦,婵娟可知爱情苦。On the moon earth litigation bitter, bitter love.

好的法官是能够息讼止争的法官。The duty of a good judge is to prevent litigation.

巴诺则表示,它对诉讼不发表评论。Barnes & Noble said it did not comment on litigation.

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代位诉讼与代位执行。Subrogation of litigation and subrogation of execute.

皆奏一枫曲,旧事难讼心底言。Are playing a song, old difficult litigation heart words.

这场智能手机诉讼风潮可能会持续几年。The frenzy of smart-phone litigation could last for years.

业务范围涉及诉讼和非诉讼法律领域。Cao's work field involves in litigation and non-litigation.

他专长于民事和白领刑事诉讼案件。He specialises in civil and white-collar criminal litigation.

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京控是清朝的一种特别诉讼程序。Jing Kong was a special litigation procedure in Qing dynasty.

诉权论和诉讼法与实体法关系理论。Litigation right theory and procedural law and substantial law.

她从事产权转让和法律起草事务,我则从事诉讼。She practised conveyancing and draftsmanship, I did litigation.

人民监督员制度是一个诉讼过程中出现的新诉讼制度。The civil supervising system is a newly-born litigation system.

诉讼费将更注重民众经济能力,更具有可能预见性。The cost of litigation will be more affordable and predictable.

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由于专利标准放宽导致诉讼案件增加。And with sloppier patenting standards, litigation has increased.

仲裁有时会比诉讼要省钱和省时。Arbitration can sometimes be cheaper and quicker than litigation.

很多结构性融资都位于诉讼的盲区。Much of structured finance is uncharted territory for litigation.