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山姆朦胧左彩票工作室。Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.

他说著,他的心想却渺茫地,他的眼睛如梦幻般的望著她的眼睛。"With me?" he said, his thoughts far away and his eyes resting dreamily on hers.

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他慢慢地把钓鱼这件事完全忘掉了,却恍恍惚惚地凝视着一平如镜的池水。But she had forgotton all about the fish, and was looking dreamily at the glassy water.

罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door.

为了纪念这对布衣族先民的首领,世世代代的布衣人守侯在这片艰险奇幻的土地上。The Buyi people are waiting for the hardship and dangers and dreamily land for generations.

我极为想念它,但也好奇着想看看一个活的奶嘴树是什么样子。Missing it terribly, but also wondering dreamily what a real, live, bubbup bush would look like.

林德太太给安妮送来干净的被子时发现她还如痴如醉地盯着那面镜子。Mrs. Lynde found her still staring dreamily in the mirror when she came in, bringing clean towels.

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当时正值26岁的乌尔斯‧卢提坐在摄影机前,开始如作梦般的看到广阔的想像世界。Urs Lüthi, then a 26-year-old, is sitting in front of the camera and gazing dreamily into imagined worlds.

盛大而隆重的北京奥运会开幕式给世人奉献了一场如诗如梦的视觉盛宴。The great and royal opening ceremony of Olympic Games in Beijing has showed the world a dreamily and poetic visual fantasy.

他正在如痴如梦地想念者她。这时,从灯光照耀下的迷雾中走来了玛伦,一个长者海蓝色眼睛的风骚美人,莱普曾在一个艺术画廊中遇到过她。He was dreamily thinking about her when out of the lamp-lit haze came Marleen, a coquettish beauty with sea-green eyes whom Leip had met at an art gallery.

雅兰的“梦的天空”里一群可爱的小狮子仰着头做梦似地望着天空,是当季最IN的选择。Elegant orchid " the sky of the dream " in a flock of lovely lionet are admiring a head to do dreamily to looking at a sky, be when season most the choice of IN.

这个上午,她身上焕发出一种温柔而羞怯的光彩,双眼流波闪烁,脸颊直泛桃红,脸上带着幸福的神色和丝丝怀想。On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence.