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这就是这种教学模式。So that's the pedagogy.

我的专业就是英语文学和教育。I majored in English Linguistics and Pedagogy.

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教师要具各更多的教育学和心理学的知识。So the teacher has more knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.

在教育学的发展过程中,出现了三次大的分解。There are three big divisions in the development of pedagogy.

我真的觉得这种互动性教学法,有很多优点。I do think that interactive pedagogy really stands on its own.

这为教师专业成长提供了新的视野。Feminist Pedagogy broadens the new horizon to teacher development.

弗莱雷是被压迫教育学的代表人物。Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

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体裁教学法是基于体裁理论上的一种教学方法。Genre-based teaching approach is the pedagogy based on genre theory.

在ESP和EAP领域,“体裁教学法”是行之有效的教学方法。Genre-based teaching approach is an effective pedagogy in ESP and EAP.

于是教育学开始从“殖民地”向“帝国”的转变。Therefore, pedagogy is beginning to transform from a"colony"to an"empire".

第三大部分则是吉鲁后现代批判教育学的理论和实践反思。The first part is Giroux's core strategy of his post-modern critical pedagogy.

这种教学方法非常具有互动性,在这课堂的五个小时里。That pedagogy is very interactive in this five hours we have in this classroom.

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一个孝顺的眼科医生正在思考教育学以便用来处理牙医的身体上的缺陷。A filial oculist was cerebrating pedagogy to manual a dentist's corporal defects.

他傲慢地把它们称为术语问题,教学问题和经济问题。He rather pompously called them problems of nomenclature, pedagogy and economics.

无论在哪种情况下,课程设计都要受课程内部使用的教育法的影响。In either case, curriculum design is influenced by the pedagogy used within courses.

范梅南是北美现象学教育学的主要代表人物。Max van Manen is the major representative of phenomenological pedagogy in North America.

“生命实践教育学”的内涵以及建构,是一个值得反思和批判的问题。The concept and construct of pedagogy of life practice is worth reflection and criticism.

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关注教育学的发展是教育学工作者的普遍心向。Paying attention to the development of pedagogy is the universal wish of pedagogy scholar.

本文旨在透视一个国内外都十分关注的外语教学问题。The popular issue of learner-centred foreign language pedagogy is scrutinized in this paper.

为此,新伦敦团体提出多元识读教学法以提高学习者的多模态意义识读能力。Given this situation, the New London Group put forward a pedagogy of multiliteracies in 1996.