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目的用高效液相色谱法测定热淋清糖浆中没食子酸的含量。Objective To determine the gallate level in Reling Qing Syrup with HPLC.

对常见的没食子酸丙酯提出一种尚未见报道的制备方法,可以大幅度地降低生产成本。A new processing method of propyl gallate was advanced in order to decrease the cost of production.

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报道了由没食子酸钠和氯代正丁烷合成没食子酸丁酯的新工艺。In this paper reported a new technology of preparing butyl gallate from sodium gallate and n-chlorobutane.

介绍了没食子酸丙酯的反应机理,并对没食子酸丙酯的测定方法进行了综述。In the present article, we give a review on the reaction mechanism and many determinations of propyl gallate.

加拉特先生表示,广告客户正在转向互联网,因为网络给他们一个传递有针对性信息的途径。Mr Gallate says advertisers are turning to the internet because it gives them a way to deliver targeted messages.

以十二烷基苯磺酸为催化剂,酸醇直接酯化合成没食子酸正辛酯。Then-octyl gallate was prepared by esterification of alcohol and gallic acid in catalysis system of dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid.

以没食子酸乙酯作为对照品,该方法简单,快速,精确,可作为灵通胶囊中茶多酚的质量控制含量测定方法。The ethyl gallate as a reference substance. This method is simple, rapid and accurate. It can be a method for Lingtong Capsule determination of TP.

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研究了以磷钼酸和磷钨酸为催化剂,由棓酸和正丁醇制备棓酸正丁酯的反应。Then-butyl gallate was synthesized by esterifying n-butyl alcohol and gallic acid in the presence of phosphato-molybdic acid and phosphato-tungstic acid catalyst.

以活性炭固载磷钨酸作为催化剂,用没食子酸与异戊醇直接酯化合成了没食子酸异戊酯。Using the phosphotungstic acid immobilized on active carbon as catalyst, the iso-amyl gallate was synthesized directly by esterifying isoamyl alcohol and gallic acid.

一种表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯的分离制备工艺,包括对茶多酚的HPLC分离、馏分截取、膜蒸馏浓缩等。The separating preparation process of epigallocatechin gallate includes HPLC separation of tea polyphenol, fraction interception, membrane distillation and concentration, etc.

诃子主要含三萜酸类、没食子酰葡萄糖、没食子酰的简单酯类化合物及蒽醌类等物质,具有抗菌、强心、抗氧化及抗癌等药理活性。Terminalia chebula Retz. mainly contains triterpenic acid, gallyl glucose, gallate and anthraquinone etc. They have the activities of antibiosis, antioxidation, antitumor and cardiotonic etc.