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五脉山黧豆的传粉系统不完善和虫害是结实率低的主要原因。The faultiness of breeding system and pests destroying cause the low seed-set rate.

问题根源可能在基金的管理水平与我国证券市场制度的不完善性上。The reason of the problem could be the faultiness of security market system in China.

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但同时,还有一些不够完善之处需要在以后的工作中加强研究。But, it is also faultiness on some aspects, which is the emphases of us in the future.

探讨“食野习俗”及其引发的生物链缺失问题。This paper study on the habitude of cooking wild animal and the faultiness of food Chain.

制度环境不完善是合作经营制度发展的主要障碍。The faultiness of system environment is the main obstacle of developing cooperative management system.

因制度不完善,我国资本市场存在多重委托代理关系。Multiple principal-agent relations exist in capital market because of institutional faultiness in China.

这种状况的出现与北京促进高新技术产业发展的政策不完善有很大的关系。The appearing of this situation is mainly related to the faultiness of the promoting policies of Beijing.

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究竟是MBO本身有缺陷,还是我国的制度环境不完善所致?。What is status of MBO? Whether MBO itself has defectiveness or China's system circumstances have faultiness?

这些滤波器虽然能够较好的滤除海浪干扰,但在某些方面它们还不够完善,为此我们引入了H_∞滤波技术。They can filter the wave disturbance, but they have faultiness in some aspect, so H filtering technology is introduced.

除雾器故障不仅会造成脱硫系统的停运,甚至可能导致整个发电机组停运。The faultiness of demister can not only cause the stop of the FGD system, but also the shutdown of the power-generating unit.

最后在第五章,总结了本文所论述的工作以及主要贡献和存在问题,并对今后的发展方向做了一定的介绍和建议。In the fifth chapter, we conclude our work by pointing out the contributions and faultiness of OSIA and future work to perfect it.

这些缺陷在空间上的分布形态是极其复杂的,很可能相互连通并形成透水路径。These faultiness ' shape, distribution and spread are extremely complicated, and water maybe flow through these connected faultiness.

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论文的最后对全文的研究进行了总结并分析了有待改进的地方,做为将来研究方向的参考。At last, the thesis concluded the research and analyzed the faultiness of the data exchange system as a direction of further research.

认为我国港口主要存在消防规划不合理,消防设施不完善、相应的技术手段落后以及管理措施不到位等现象。These problems include unreasonable scheme of fire-fighting, the faultiness of fire-fighting facilities, the flaw of supervising measure.

当前大学教学督导在发展的过程中存在督导制度不完善、队伍建设不合理和工作方法简单等问题。There exist some problems such as faultiness in system, illogicality in constructing of team, the simple ways and means in teaching inspection.

我国证券市场具有特殊性,发展时间较短,所以我国退市机制具有特殊性和不完善性。Because of the characteristic of our market which has developed for a short time, our delisting mechanism also is of specialties and faultiness.

这从企业现金持有行为的角度为我国上市公司董事会治理机制的不完善性提供了经验证据。This paper provides Empirical evidence about faultiness of hoard of director Governance mechanism in China from the angle of corporate cash holdings.

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政府环境责任不完善是环境立法存在的根本问题。Among the various problems in the environmental legislation, the fundamental problem is the faultiness of the government's environmental accountability.

客观方面包括政治、经济、文化的影响,受贿罪相关立法的不完善,对受贿犯罪惩治不力等。The objective aspects result from the impact of politics, economy and culture, faultiness of bribery-related legislation, weak punishment for taking bribes.

首先讨论了现有各类模型存在的不足,并在这些模型的基础上,提出了新的疏松砂岩弹性波速分析模型。The faultiness of existing models was discussed. A new model for elastic wave velocity of unconsolidated sandstone was developed on the basis of these models.