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尝试去形成一个有原则的,令人信服的反驳观点。Try to come up with a principled, compelling counterargument.

这个文化是关于“与反驳观点共鸣”的。That culture is about sympathetic engagement with counterargument.

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你能够驳斥相反的论点并说明为什么它是错误的吗?Will you reject the counterargument and explain why it is mistaken?

反驳意见则说只有那些真正参与工业领域的人才最了解。The counterargument is that those who have been deeply involved in an industry know it best.

持不同观点的人反驳说,亮色彩会令男士感到清新和与众不同,促使男士打开钱包消费。The counterargument is that color will put men in the mood to open their wallets, since it will look fresh and different.

如果考虑相反的论点,使你改变了立场,那么你需要回过头来逐一修正你最初的论证。If considering a counterargument changes your position, you will need to go back and revise your original argument accordingly.

美国加州大学戴维斯分校的席格诺与现于柏克莱分校的李普斯,提出过一个可信的论证来反驳陨石说。A convincing counterargument came from paleontologists Philip Signor of the University of California at Davis and Jere Lipps, now at Berkeley.

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对于宣称核能是应对气候变化和减少石油供应的安全解决方案的人来说,海啸只是其中一次明白无误的抗辩。The tsunami was but one clear counterargument to the claim that nuclear power is a safe solution to climate change and dwindling oil supplies.

事实上,“中产阶级”概念才是反驳涓滴经济学的最佳论据。It may not seem intuitive that the concept of “the middle class” is the opposite of trickle-down and an effective counterargument against it. But it is.

也有不同的意见,认为散布金正日这一令人恐怖的形象,目的是打消其臣民的斗志,鼓动其敌人来安抚他。The counterargument is that disseminating such a scary image is intended to buck up his subjects' fighting spirit while persuading his enemies to appease him.

你的老师可以帮助你形成这种智力反射因为他们本身都有这种反射。Your teachers will be able to help you develop the intellectual reflex of sympathetic engagement with counterargument because they have that reflex themselves.

就传递信息而言,这是很不错的教学方法,但不利于培养学生的“同情辩论法”。This is a wonderful technique for transmitting information. But it is not very effective for developing the skill of sympathetic engagement with counterargument.

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就传递信息而言,这种方法比演讲式教学法效率要低得多,但却是培养学生“同情辩论法”的最佳方法。And much less efficient than a lecture at transmitting data. But it is the best technique ever devised for developing sympathetic engagement with counterargument.

援用抗辩权是民法学上的一个概念,票据法学则没有确立这种制度。The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law, but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law.

事实上,中国领导人的心情目前比较紧张,尤其是对每年发生的大量抗议群体性事件--据官方统计,群体性抗议事件每年高达80,000起。There is some truth to this counterargument. The Chinese leadership is nervous, especially about the number of protests every year -- 80,000, according to government statistics.

而反对者则认为猎人可以用一种与众不同的方式拉怪,区别于其他职业,尤其是他们很容易避免一次失败的拉怪行动。The counterargument is that hunters can employ completely different tactics when pulling than any other class, including an extremely high chance of completely aborting a bad pull.

其二,课程的重点不在于使学生死记硬背法律条文,而是旨在培养他们的“同情辩论法”这一特殊思维技巧。Second, the emphasis in the curriculum is not on having students memorize legal rules. It is on teaching them the special intellectual skill of sympathetic engagement with counterargument.