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在美国,乘雪橇滑雪是一种流行的冬季运动。Bobsled is a popular winter sport in America.

如同真正的长撬滑行,甚至更加危险。Just like a real bobsled ride, only more dangerous.

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凡是到拐弯的地方,这小男孩总是让大雪橇减速。The boy decelerates the bobsled where he nears a curve.

为了打破33项之最,我仅需要长撬和阿波罗11号飞船就可以了。S. , in order to hit 33, all I need is bobsled and the Apollo 11 space capsule.

海底航行,汤姆·索亚岛和雪橇赛,我认为都很吸引人。Submarine Voyage, Tom Sawyer Island and Bobsled Runs, I think, are all fascinating.

噢,另外,我还差雪橇和阿波罗十一号就可以达到33种了。Oh, P. S. , in order to hit 33, all I need is bobsled and the Apollo 11 space capsule.

雪车比赛是由二或四人乘坐在雪车内由冰道内滑下。Bobsledding involves descending down an icy track in a bobsled cart with two or four people sitting inside.

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德国队还在雪橇类项目中保持了一贯的优势,已经在无舵雪橇、有舵雪橇和钢架雪车项目中拿了九块奖牌。It also has enjoyed its usual dominance in sledding sports, where it has already won nine medals in luge, bobsled and skeleton.

雪莱,安布朗的呼声后,加拿大队夺得,她在女子银牌,在不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒雪橇于2010年2月24日。Shelley-Ann Brown of Canada cries after her team won the silver medal at the women's bobsled in Whistler, British Columbia on February 24, 2010.

在波黑萨拉热窝,1984年冬季奥运会的滑坡赛道已遭破坏,如今是山地自行车爱好者的乐园。In Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, thedisused bobsled from the 1984 Winter Olympics has been vandalised and is now enjoyed by hordes of mountain biker.

女子冰球比赛中美国队至少能得一块银牌,在北欧两项、速滑比赛、短道速滑和有舵雪橇应该都会拿到奖牌,其中一些是金牌。Team USA is guaranteed at least a silver in women's hockey, and it should pick up medals, some of them gold, in Nordic Combined, speed skating, short track and perhaps bobsled.

一个斯洛伐克两个多重曝光的图片,男子雪橇驾驶AC米兰Jagnesak进入最后一个弯道的惠斯勒滑动2010年2月19号在训练中心热6。A multiple exposure image of the Slovakian two-man bobsled piloted by Milan Jagnesak entering the final corner during training heat 6 at the Whistler sliding centre on February 19, 2010.

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比尔.迪蒙成为美国首位夺取北欧两项赛金牌的得主,与此同时,斯蒂芬.霍尔考姆率领他的四人雪撬组一举夺得了62年来美国队在冬奥会这项比赛的第一枚金牌。Bill Demong became the first-ever American to win a gold medal in Nordic Combined and the Steve Holcomb drove his four-man bobsled team to the first U.S. Olympic gold medal in the event in 62 years.