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这个数字上的差异是不容置疑的。The arithmetic is undeniable.

但证据是不可否认的。But the evidence is undeniable.

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然而前提虚假的证据是无可争辩的。Yet the evidence of its falsity is undeniable.

短消息服务的普及是不可否认的。The popularity of the Short Message Service is undeniable.

这个很不寻常的柳京饭店的轮廓是不可否认的。That the Ryugyong Hotel's silhouette is unusual is undeniable.

然在接下来的十年中,辐射的影响是无容置疑的。In the decades that followed, though, the effects were undeniable.

我们称HIIT是高强度的,他的结果不可否认。HIIT is what it says high-intensity and the results are undeniable.

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常州今文经学的兴起,与之有一定的渊源关系。It is undeniable that he affected the rise of the Changzhou School.

说爱情会失去的那句话,乃是我们不能够当作真理来接受的一个本相。That love can ever lose is undeniable that we cannot accept as truth.

另外,还指出了一些收方不可否认方案中存在的缺陷。Some drawbacks in some current undeniable signature schemes were pointed out.

不可否认,一切伟大的艺术都具有使人超尘脱俗的浮想的力量。That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable.

社交媒体对品牌宣传中,顾客参与所带来的影响是不可否认的。The effect of customer participation with social media on brands is undeniable.

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现在,「征讨画册」成为日军罪行无法抹去的铁证。Now these same albums serve as undeniable proof of the Japanese army's war crimes.

我把演出搞砸了,这是不可否认的事实,但是没有必要说了又说。It is an undeniable fact that I ruined the performance,but there's no need to rub it in.

湛甘泉是以陈白沙为代表的江门学派的无可争议的传人。Zhan Ganquan was an undeniable successor of the Jiangmen School represented by Chen Baisha.

影响波斯语的缩影绘画及洛可可艺术是不可否认的在洛朗桑的作品。Theinfluence of Persian miniature painting and Rococo art are undeniable in Laurencin'sworks.

从格利高里合唱团到福音音乐,音乐有着不可否认的精神层面的影响。From Gregorian Chants to Gospel Music, there is a spiritual aspect to music that is undeniable.

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这个维吉尔式的共鸣在弥尔顿而言,传递了一种一目了然的悲怆和不可否认的绝美。The Virgilian echo gives this passage in Milton an unmistakable pathos and an undeniable beauty.

这是这一制度不可否认的一个好处,但它并非这一制度看起来那般美好。This is an undeniable benefit of the system, but it is not quite as wonderful as they make it seem.

但不可否认的是,廖辉英的小说在艺术策略上的确存在失当之处。But it is undeniable that there does exist some inappropriate arrangements in Liao Huiying's novels.