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德累斯顿的皮尔尼茨宫外墙上绘制着中国日常生活图景。Dresden extrauterine Pillnitz wall drawing picture of daily life in China.

目的总结宫外孕保守治疗护理的经验。To summarize nursing experiences on conservative treatment of extrauterine pregnancy.

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没有人值得你宫外孕,值得让你这么做的人不会让你宫外孕。No man or woman is worth your extrauterine pregnancy, and the one who is, won't make youextrauterine pregnant.

异位妊娠是最常见的妇科急腹症,生殖期女性,任何年龄均可发病。Extrauterine pregnancy is the most common gynecological acute abdomen. The disease might occur at any age of generative women.

当生育年龄的妇女出现腹痛尤其是有宫外妊娠危险因素的患者,应可以异位妊娠发生。EP should be suspected in any women of reproductive age with abdominal pain especially those who have risk factors for an extrauterine pregnancy.

宫外孕,也称异位妊娠,是指受精卵在子宫腔以外的部位植入发育。Extra-uterine pregnancy, also calls the extrauterine pregnancy, is refers to the fertilized egg to implant the growth outside uterine cavity spot.

结果诊断为宫外孕和可疑宫外孕118例,经过手术、病理证实76例,误诊7例。Result The Diagnosis and suspicious extrauterine pregnancy cases totally is 118. among them 76 cases are confirmed, 7 cases are error of diagnosis.

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这些NEB被假定具有氧敏感气道传感器的功能,涉及呼吸控制,特别是在生命初生的适应过程中。Thus NEB are postulated to function as O2 sensitive airway sensors involved in respiratory control, especially during adaptation to extrauterine life.

目的探讨心理支持对宫外孕患者输卵管切除术后身心康复的作用。Objective To explore the function of psychological support on psychosomatic rehabilitation of patients with extrauterine pregnancy after salpingectomy.

结果肉瘤组中4例以粘膜下肿物为主要表现,4例手术后复发。Results The location of neoplasm predominated in submucosal in 4 cases, 4 cases of sarcomas recurred after operation. 4 cases showed extrauterine tumors.

方法回顾1998年1月-2008年1月我院异位妊娠误诊的118例病人,分析主要的误诊情况。Methods Reviewed in January, 1998 -January, 2008, My the courtyard extrauterine pregnancy error diagnostic 118 example patient, analyzed the main error diagnostic situation.

异位妊娠发生破裂、腹腔内大量出血时,症状、体征大多十分典型,所以诊断较易。When the extrauterine pregnancy has in the breakage, the abdominal cavity the massive hemorrhages, the symptom, the symptom are mostly very typical, therefore the diagnosis is easy.

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药物保守治疗都是通过药物杀死异位妊娠的胚胎,达到既治愈异位妊娠,又能保留输卵管的目的。The medicine conservative treatment is kills the extrauterine pregnancy through the medicine the embryo, achieves both the cure extrauterine pregnancy, and can retain oviduct's goal.