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棚屋在大风中摇摇晃晃,最后倒塌了。The shanty tottered in the strong wind and fell.

找有关在一个简陋房屋上的简陋房屋和焦点的外面更多。Find out more about shanties and focus on one shanty.

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家庭的棚户烧伤年年中冬季地面。The family's shanty burns to the ground in mid-winter.

Baloyi作品在他位于约翰内斯堡棚户区外的家。Baloyi works at his home in a shanty town outside Johannesburg.

五分钟后,伊林在泥泞中啪嗒啪嗒地跑回棚子。Five minutes later Ilyin came splashing through the mud to the shanty.

在马尼拉,一场大火后一名男子正试图从被烧毁的棚屋里抢救一些财物出来。A man tries to recover belongings from his shanty after a fire in Manila.

“噢,嗯,是条好毯子,”小彼得说道,起身走进棚屋。"Oh, yes, it's a fine blanket, " said Petey, and got up and went into the shanty.

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于是他们沿着汽车道,爬上小山丘到了一个老旧而简陋的小屋前。And down the driveway, up the hill they travelled until they came to an old shanty.

响亮的流行音乐从10英里之外巨大的搭满帐篷的棚户区传来。Pop music can be heard 10 miles away blasting out from the huge tented shanty -town.

随着棚户区拆迁工作的进行,崔凤英老人为搬家愁得直流泪。With the demolition work shanty towns, Cuifengying elderly removal Choudei straight tears.

2005年1月3日,中国民工的小孩和自己的宠物犬坐在简陋的家门外。Chinese migrant children sit with their pet dog outside their shanty home in Beijing, Jan. 3, 2005.

离一个公开吸毒的女人的不远处,一个老妇人打扫着她的简陋胶合板房子的地板。Not far from a woman openly smoking crack, an elderly woman sweeps the floor of her plywood shanty.

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在这里,许多房屋的顶端连成一线,甚至阳光都很少穿透。Here, in the warren-like interior of the shanty town, the buildings meet overhead and no light can penetrate.

我已经向詹姆斯·柯令斯,一个在菲茨堡铁路上工作的爱尔兰人,买下他的棚屋来使用他的木板。I had already bought the shanty of James Collins, an Irishman who worked on the Fitchburg Railroad, for boards.

城里登记在册的贫民窟有380户,但大量住在临时搭建的屋子里的人,则只能自己想办法。The city has 380 registered slums, but there are numerous other shanty where people have to find their own methods.

国家将对中央下放地方煤矿棚户区改造的公用基础设施建设等,给予适当的支持。The state will decentralize local coal shanty towns of the central common infrastructure, given appropriate support.

大规模泥石流从山坡滑落至里约热内卢郊区尼泰罗伊一个贫民窟。A massive mud and rubble crashed down from a hillside onto the houses in the shanty town in the Rio suburb of Niteroi.

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警方表示,这场大火至少烧毁马卡蒂市9百栋棚屋,超过2千户人家无处可归。Fire razed at least 900 shanty houses in Makati City, on Tuesday, leaving more than 2,000 families homeless, police said.

我认为应立即通知各部队掩护军部向前孙家窝棚第五十师师部靠拢。I think we should immediately notify the cover of military force to move shanty Sun 50th division headquarters closer pilots.

在马尼拉,一场大火后一名男子正试图从被烧毁的棚屋里抢救一些财物出来。有超过100户人家在这场大火后无家可归。A man tries to recover belongings from his shanty after a fire in Manila. More than 100 families were left homeless in the fire.